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Why are narcissists so obsessed with their exes?

Why are narcissists so obsessed with their exes?

But as clinical psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula points out, narcissists often have a habit of staying in contact with their exes in a way that is solely about their own needs. “The central motivator for narcissists is validation,” she explains. “And an ex is often a really interesting place to get it…

How do you deal with a vindictive narcissistic ex husband?

10 Strategies for Dealing with Your Narcissistic Ex

  1. Realize they wont change.
  2. Remember a divorce happened.
  3. Schedule responses.
  4. Answer only what is asked.
  5. Dont tolerate any abusive behavior.
  6. Appreciate the silence.
  7. Use the hamburger method when something is needed.
  8. Limit interactions.

Can you be left alone by your narcissistic ex-wife?

And that is, you can be left alone by your narcissistic ex-wife. It may not seem possible to you right now, given how strongly she affects you, and how relentless she is in making your life a living hell. But, there’s a simple, albeit not easy, solution.

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Why do narcissists always want to prove themselves to their exes?

That’s what only narcissistic people usually demand. With this they want to prove that they can still control their former partner and have power over his life. With such steps narcissists want to replenish their energy, which already makes enormous self-confidence even greater.

What happens when a narcissist can’t control you Anymore?

When a Narcissist can’t control you anymore they will fail to find Narcissistic Supply sources, just like a drug addict that can’t find any drugs. This precipitates a narcissistic crisis. The narcissist becomes more desperate and more compulsive in looking for his drug.

How to get a narcissistic ex-boyfriend back in the bed?

If one of them can’t, he turns to the other. One is good to talk to and the other to have for hot nights. If you can’t completely forget your ex-partner and still have some feelings for him, you are fertile ground for the narcissistic ex-boyfriend. A seductive message will be enough to lure you into the bedroom.