
Can INTP be controlling?

Can INTP be controlling?

INTPs can bristle at demonstrations of Te, seeing it as overly-controlling, rigid, and domineering. They can also become oppositional with extraverted thinking, which is why it is given the title of the “opposing role”.

Do INTPs hate incompetence?

INTPs can handle incompetence at times, since they understand that mistakes help people improve. They likely will attempt to inform this person, and hope that they can help them become better. INTPs often prefer to be cordial with these people, and will make do with what they have.

What happens when you betray an INTP?

When the INTP does feel betrayed by someone, they often go into a reflective mode. When the INTP is betrayed too many times by someone, they are likely to try and cut them out of their lives but this can be a process for them.

What are INTPs like when they are manipulated?

INTPs also dislike feeling like someone else is trying to manipulate them and can become extremely upset by this. They are naturally guarded people and so they can be suspicious of manipulative types, and often can tell when someone is attempting to manipulate them.

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What is an INTP personality type?

Isabel Briggs Myers called this type the “scholars, theorists, and abstract thinkers” of the personality theory universe, and they’re also commonly known as the ” Architect ” or ” Logician ” type. INTPs want to understand the world in all its glorious complexity, and love using others as a sounding board for their brilliant ideas and theories.

Are manipulative people more common in certain types?

Being a manipulative person is rarely tied to someone’s personality type, but the ways in which someone can manipulate often is. While manipulation is not going to be more common in certain types, each personality type has their own methods of trying to adjust a situation so that they can get the results they want.

Is it immoral for an INTP to help other people?

To the INTP there is nothing immoral or wrong about this, since their goals is actually a positive one. They want to help and ensure that things go right, and so they really won’t see this as a bad or wrong thing.