
Why do people study graphology?

Why do people study graphology?

Graphology, also known as graphoanalysis, is a process that is used by some to attempt to determine personality traits and details about a person based off of their handwriting. Graphologist examine many of the same features as forensic document examiners when analyzing handwriting.

What is the graphology in psychology?

n. the study of the physical characteristics of handwriting, particularly as a means of inferring the writer’s psychological state or personality characteristics. Graphology is based on the premise that writing is a form of expressive behavior, although there is little empirical evidence for its validity.

What does it mean when you have different handwritings?

To be fair, there are a handful of situations in which handwriting analysis can be indicative of something larger: In seniors, for example, increasingly illegible handwriting can be a sign of progressing Alzheimer’s. And in both kids and adults, dysgraphia — a fancy name for messy writing — has been linked to ADHD.

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What can graphology tell us about a person?

Handwriting reveals the person’s character, to a trained eye nothing is hidden, a graphologist will see the person’s best and worst. Many people hide their vices in public, and sometimes it can take years before you find out somebody’s dark side.

Is graphology a form of pseudoscience?

Graphology can be considered an extraordinary belief because it is a form of pseudoscience, and it would require the belief that personality traits can be communicated, via unconscious mental functions, through handwriting (Carroll). The evidence often used to prove the validity of graphology include its similarity to forensic handwriting analysis.

Why is graphology so popular in France?

Many of the people who believe in graphology live in France. This is likely because it is accepted in France, and it began there (Schofield). This could also be partially due to graphology training courses in France that are popularly attended.

How accurate is a graphology test?

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Answer Wiki. Graphology is as reliable as the analyst is skilled. Most professionals claim to be 85-95 \% accurate. Compared to other personality assessment tools and tests, handwriting analysis is much more accurate and more revealing very quickly.