
Is AngularJS good Java?

Is AngularJS good Java?

Angular Js is developed by Google. It is an excellent framework for building single phase applications and line of business applications.

How is Angular better than JavaScript?

AngularJS supports data binding and dependency injection. JavaScript has a rich user interface design like sliders etc. AngularJS is a fully data-driven approach to develop web applications. JavaScript is less time consuming while fixing bugs and defects at a large scale.

How is AngularJS similar or different from JavaScript?

Both are the two different web technologies used for developing web applications. JavaScript is a programming language, whereas AngularJS is an open-source framework and based on MVC architecture. JavaScript is mainly written for websites to run in the client’s browser.

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How do I integrate angular with Java?

One way is to build Angular with Java. In the development phase, we can run Angular and Java on separate ports. The interaction between these two happens with proxying all the calls to API. In the production phase, you can build the Angular app and put all the assets in the dist folder and load it with the java code.

How do AngularJS and Java communicate with each other?

Angular and java communicate thru RESTFUL services (JAX-RS), You cant call java function in angular js or vice verse. I’ll show simple example of fetching data and sending data (fetch all persons, delete person with given id).

What is the best way to build angular apps?

There are so many ways we can build Angular apps and ship for production. One way is to build Angular with NodeJS or Java and another way is to build the angular and serve that static content with NGINX web server. With Java we have to deal with the server code as well, for example, you need to load index.html page with java.

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How to use angular with nginx web server?

One way is to build Angular with NodeJS or Java and another way is to build the angular and serve that static content with NGINX web server. With Java we have to deal with the server code as well, for example, you need to load index.html page with java.
