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Can a dentist mess up a filling?

Can a dentist mess up a filling?

If the filling has not been adequately prepared, the mixture may not bond properly to the tooth tissue and this may cause the filling to fall out or cause a gap, which could then allow further decay to form and lead to long lasting toothache as the pulp of the tooth becomes infected.

Why does my tooth hurt when I bite down after a filling?

Pain when biting down isn’t a typical side-effect from having a cavity filled. However, it can be caused by the cavity filling. This happens when the filling is too high, giving you an abnormal bite. It can be difficult to determine if the bite is abnormal in the office, because the mouth has been numbed.

What do I do if my dentist messed up my teeth?

If you feel you have a strong dental malpractice case, your first step should be to contact a law firm with an experienced malpractice lawyer. They should offer a free consultation and ask questions about the dental care you received.

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How can you tell if a filling is too high?

Determining If the Filling Is Too High If you feel some sensitivity, soreness, or pressure on certain sections of the teeth, it’s a good indicator of a high filling. Because of the uneven bite caused by the filling, you’ll find that many simple tasks become difficult or even downright unpleasant.

What happens when a filling is too high?

A) When you have a high filling, the tooth gets compressed more deeply into the periodontal ligament beneath your teeth whenever you bite down. The periodontal ligament widens and becomes inflamed. You begin to feel tenderness or pain at the site of the new filling.

What happens when your bite is off after a filling?

Once the numbness wears off, you might notice a change in your bite. Over time, it might hurt to bite down, give you a zing, or you might notice cold sensitivity. This is common. Most likely your new filling is taller than your teeth are used to and needs to be adjusted.

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What happens when cavity hits nerve?

If you have a cavity that has reached the nerve tissue, you may experience some or all of the following symptoms: Toothache when pressure (such as chewing) is applied to the tooth. Tooth sensitivity to heat or cold. Discoloration of the tooth.

How do you fix nerve damage in teeth?

The two most common dental procedures for dealing with tooth nerve damage are fillings and root canals.

  1. Filling: A filling is the most common form of dental repair.
  2. Root Canal: This is a more intense type of dental procedure that is utilized when pain develops as a result of a severely decayed or damaged tooth.

What happens if a filling breaks off between teeth?

Broken pieces of filling can become wedged between two teeth making flossing difficult or impossible and below this you will see areas of bone loss. This bone loss is the beginning of periodontal disease and it may be permanent. What can be done?

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Why does it hurt to have my teeth deep cleaned?

Before a deep-cleaning session, the gums may be inflamed and swollen or have deep pockets infected with bacteria. Both scaling and root planing help treat these problems, but this treatment can hurt your teeth after the cleaning due to natural discomfort and bleeding.

Can I have my teeth cleaned after a dental procedure?

The answer to this question is YES – usually you can! Patients should expect their dentist to provide the highest quality dental care. There should not be rough fillings, decay remaining below fillings – sealed in decay, or rough areas that are difficult to clean.

How can you tell if a dental XRAY is bad?

In the x-ray shown here, you can see bad dental work and other problems. Note fillings with overhangs or ledges of filling material that stick out beyond the tooth. There are rough areas that will hold debris. There are areas where new decay is starting below the existing filling.