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Are tattoos unprofessional UK?

Are tattoos unprofessional UK?

Hiring. In the UK, the law on workplace equality does not cover tattoos as a protected characteristic. This means potential employers are free to base their recruitment decisions on body art alone, if they so choose. The only exception would be in a case of religious markings under the 2010 Equality Act.

How are tattoos viewed in UK?

According to estimates, around one in five of the UK population is tattooed, which rises to one in three for young adults. Tattoos used to be viewed as vulgar and garish but are now must-have fashion accessories that showcase incredible artistic ability or have some sort of deep-routed meaning.

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Are tattoos acceptable in UK?

The UK prohibits anyone under the age of 18 to have a tattoo, and any artist found to do so will be prosecuted and fined, so, it’s imperative you always ask for proof of age and to include a copy in a consent form. The UK is actually one of the only E.U.

Are tattoos respectable?

More recently, research also has uncovered some good news. Most people don’t experience any problems from a tattoo. And in them, getting inked body art may confer health benefits. The inking process may actually turn on the immune system, helping to keep such individuals healthy.

Are tattoos considered unprofessional?

The Main Reason Tattoos Are Considered Unprofessional In most cases, tattoos are considered unprofessional because some people don’t like them. Unfortunately, we live in a world where some people automatically dislike a person simply because they have a tattoo. And that’s wrong. A tattoo is a form of self-expression.

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Should people with tattoos be protected by the law?

Recent research suggests that one in five British adults now has a tattoo, with the highest concentration of tattooed persons surprisingly being those aged between 30 and 39, where one in three have a tattoo. At present, there is no express legal protection for those with tattoos.

Are more people getting tattoos in 2019 than ever?

Lodder, whose exhibition British Tattoo Art Revealed is touring the UK, adds that while “more people are getting tattoos than ever”, another reason they seem more common is that in 2019 we all have the freedom to show more skin than in, say, the 1950s.

Are tattoos and piercings allowed in the workplace?

This appears to be borne out by research undertaken by Acas, where it found that around 61 per cent of the employers it sampled did not permit tattoos or piercings.

Can you legally refuse to hire someone with a tattoo?

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At present, there is no express legal protection for those with tattoos. Consequently, on the face of it, an employer could refuse to recruit someone with visible tattoos or require them to be covered up.