
Who brought purdah system in India?

Who brought purdah system in India?

Mughals have been credited with bringing the purdah system to India – which was later adopted by the Hindus of the land. Such was translated from their clothing (burkhas) to women’s physical spacing in courtrooms (high-walled enclosures/screens).

What was the most important impact of Islam on India?

Islam gave the message of universal brotherhood, introduced equality in society, rejected caste system and untouchability. In due course, these ideas began to have a conscious or unconscious effect upon the philosophical Hindu mind and fostered the growth of liberal movements under religious reformers.

How did Islam become popular in India?

Through continued trade between Arab Muslims and Indians, Islam continued to spread in coastal Indian cities and towns, both through immigration and conversion. The first great expansion of Islam into India came during the Umayyad Dynasty of caliphs, who were based in Damascus.

Why do Muslims and Hindus have conflict?

The Muslim-Hindu Conflict Origin Muslims and Hindus have very different religious beliefs. While Muslims and Hindus did peacefully coexist in many parts of India for a long time, the two groups could, and did, turn against each other as a result of the economic, social, and military conflicts of the age.

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What is purdah system in Islam?

Pardah or purdah (from Persian: پرده‎, meaning “curtain”) is a religious and social practice of female seclusion prevalent among some Muslim and Hindu communities. It takes two forms: physical segregation of the sexes and the requirement that women cover their bodies so as to cover their skin and conceal their form.

Which among the following was an impact of Islam on Hindu?

The Bhakti movement was to a large extent influenced by Islam and the Hindu reformers preached fundamental equality of all religions and the unity of God. Sufism exercised considerable influence on the Hindu society and the Sufi saints attracted the attention of the, Hindus.

How does Islam contrast with Hinduism?

Hindus are the people who follow the practices and beliefs of Hinduism while Muslims are those that follow Islam. 2. Hindus believe in many gods while Muslims believe in only one God, Allah. Hindus believe in rebirth or reincarnation while Muslims believe in the separation of the soul and body after death.