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Why do people like Lord of the Rings books?

Why do people like Lord of the Rings books?

On the one hand, Lord of the Rings is a great adventure story, but the book is much more multi-dimensional. In particular, Tolkien develops many intriguing characters with their own very believable qualities. Because each of the characters is very “human” and believable we can identify with their dilemmas and choices.

Why are the Lord of the Rings books hard to read?

if you’re very used to the movies. Tolkien’s sort of archaic prose might take more effort than usual to read, but the real difference is that the books are much denser and more languidly paced, and the first half or so of Fellowship is radically different from what was in the film.

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What is so special about Lord of the Rings?

There are countless inherent reasons that The Lord of the Rings is the best cinematic fantasy epic of them all. Most of these reasons relate to the films themselves, from their epic vision and source material to their staggering production efforts, incredible runtime, and perfect continuity.

Is LOTR books better?

The ‘Lord of the Rings’ Movies Are Better Than The Books Because Of One Character. Many people love the Lord of the Rings books and movies. Both versions of the story are much beloved by their fans. However, the movies are slightly better than the books, all because of the writing for one character.

Is Lord of the Rings easy to read?

The Lord of the Rings gets harder, not easier. The first few chapters were written in a style similar to The Hobbit, fairly easy and child-like. They get slower and more bogged down as the story goes on. It remains full of poetry and songs.

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Is Lord of Rings easy to read?

Is LotR an easy read?

Is Lord of the Rings book easy to read?

How has The Lord of the Rings changed from books to movies?

Fans of the books know the extent to which Jackson deviated from Tolkien’s writing, especially in his adaptation of The Two Towers. Characters are distorted, key elements under-emphasized, and major events are skipped over, often in favor of less effective replacements. Here are The 15 Worst Changes From Books To Movies In The Lord Of The Rings.

Was the Lord of the Rings trilogy The Greatest Movie Trilogy ever?

It may well have been the greatest movie trilogy ever, but The Lord of the Rings films could have been even better by sticking to the source material. The art of adaptation is a cruel business. For a property as beloved as J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy, there’s bound to be casualties when moving from the page to screen.

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What is the most damaging relationship in The Lord of the Rings?

This is undoubtedly the most toxic and damaging relationship in the entire story. The hobbit named Smeagol seemed to have a pleasant life until he found the One Ring and became obsessed with it. It drives him to murder his best friend and turn him into a cursed being known as Gollum.

Why is Frodo so useless in The Lord of the Rings?

In the Mines of Moria, Frodo helps take down a cave troll, but during those scenes in the films, he’s practically useless. Though we can understand the need to make the ringbearer both precious and vulnerable, Frodo’s character became needlessly one-dimensional when the source material provided ample opportunity for him to punch above his weight.