
Why the motion is relative?

Why the motion is relative?

Motion of any object can be understood only by observing it from a certain frame of reference, so it is relative to the frame of reference,i.e., the same motion might seem different for different observers. Thus, we can say that motion is relative.

What does it mean when it is said that motion is relative give an example?

For example, if you are travelling in a train and the train is moving at a speed of 100 km/hr, then your speed according to another passenger sitting on that train is zero.

Who said all motion is relative?

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Galileo was the first to point out the obvious: all motion is relative. When I say something like “the ball is traveling at 50 mph towards me,” I implicitly add “relative to my head.” If I’m on a train, someone standing on the platform would add the speed of the train to the speed of the ball to get the “total” speed.

What is relative motion in Class 8?

-Relative motion is the measurement of an object’s motion with respect to any other object that is moving or stationary. Thus, in reference to the other moving object, the acceleration is not measured with reference to the earth, but is the momentum of the object as if it were in a static state.

What is meant by relative motion class 8?

Relative motion is simply the motion of one object compared to that of another object. For eg., If f two cars driving down a highway in the same direction. One is going 30m/s, and one is going 50m/s.

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What is relative motion science class 8?

What is relative and absolute motion?

Absolute motion is the translation of a body from one absolute place into another; and relative motion, the translation from one relative place into another.

Why is motion considered relative?

Motion is relative to an observer or to an object. For example, a woman driving a car is not in motion relative to the car, but she is in motion relative to an observer standing on the side of the road.

What are some examples of relative motion?

Relative Motion refers to the motion or speed of any object in respect to a particular point. For example, a ball thrown upward while in a moving object such as a bus, would be traveling the same speed with respect to the bus and would fall again in relation to that speed.

What is relative motion in physics?

Relative Motion. The laws of physics which apply when you are at rest on the earth also apply when you are in any reference frame which is moving at a constant velocity with respect to the earth.

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What is relative motion?

Relative motion is the calculation of the motion of an object with regard to some other moving object. Thus, the motion is not calculated with reference to the earth, but is the velocity of the object in reference to the other moving object as if it were in a static state.