
What did Yinsen say to Tony Stark?

What did Yinsen say to Tony Stark?

(Iron Man) Ho Yinsen’s dying words, said to Tony Stark in the cave in Afghanistan. Don’t waste it. Don’t waste your life.

Why did Yinsen help Tony Stark?

Saving Tony Stark’s Life A skilled and resourceful field surgeon, Yinsen removed much of the shrapnel from Stark’s body and helped keep him alive long enough to build an electromagnet piece in his chest to keep the remaining shrapnel from entering his heart.

Why do they speak Hungarian in Iron Man?

He’s speaking Hungarian.” This was meant as a bit of comic relief, I believe. So the screenwriters may have chosen Hungarian at random. Perhaps any language that American audiences would perceive as unusual or unexpected would have done the trick.

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Does Yinsen survive Iron Man?

The Iron Man series did explore a subplot where Yinsen survived and became Tony’s enemy.

What are Tony Starks last words?

While, in the movie, Tony Stark’s last words were a quiet attempt to say, “Hey, Pep,” the script which has since been released online reveals his devastating final thoughts: “I’m sorry.” Tony’s arc in the most recent Avengers movies had been centered around building a family.

Who kidnapped Tony Stark in Iron Man 1?

The Kidnapping of Tony Stark was the abduction of Tony Stark carried out by the Ten Rings through orders by Obadiah Stane, who intended to kill Stark after he had tested the Jericho missile in Afghanistan.

Why did the 10 rings kidnap Tony?

Casualties. The Kidnapping of Tony Stark was the abduction of Tony Stark carried out by the Ten Rings through orders by Obadiah Stane, who intended to kill Stark after he had tested the Jericho missile in Afghanistan.

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Who is Yinsen in Iron Man 3?

As seen in Iron Man 3, Tony originally met Yinsen before the capture, but is likely he does not remember him; Yinsen, however, recalls their earlier meeting in Switzerland. This was the exact party Tony met and lied to Aldrich Killian . Yinsen is a fairly tall and thin older man with light brown skin.

Who saved Tony Stark’s life in Iron Man 3?

― ( Iron Man 3) Yinsen to Tony Stark during the Bern Switzerland Science Conference. Dr. Ho Yinsen was the man who saved Tony Stark ‘s life by taking most of the shrapnel out of his heart, and fitting an electro-magnet powered by a car battery to prevent the rest penetrating his heart.

What happened to Tony Stark and Ho Yinsen?

Under captivity, Tony Stark and Ho Yinsen were ordered by the Ten Rings to build a Jericho missile, or they would be killed. However, Stark refused and was tortured. Yinsen managed to motivate him and both men acknowledged that they would be murdered either way and instead focused on an escape plan.

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Who is Ho Yinsen in the Avengers?

Ho Yinsen was an Afghan man from the small village of Gulmira. Eventually, he became a scientist after graduating from University of Cambridge and started to work in Europe. Introduced to Tony Stark “Mr. Stark, Ho Yinsen.”