
What did Joker do to the Robins?

What did Joker do to the Robins?

Bat fans instantly recognized the reference to one of the most famous Batman comics, 1988’s “A Death in the Family,” in which the Joker kidnaps and then brutally murders Robin with a crowbar. At the time, DC asked fans to weigh in on whether or not Jason Todd, the second incarnation of Robin, would live or die.

Which Robin did Joker hate the most?

Joker says in this issue that he hates Nightwing the most out of all of Batman’s allies.

Which Robin did the Joker brainwash?

After Terry saves Bruce’s life with an antidote, Barbara finally explains the Joker’s disappearance; Four decades ago, the Joker and Harley Quinn kidnapped Tim Drake, then Robin, inflicting weeks of torture and brainwashing on him to learn Batman’s secrets.

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What Robin suffered the most?

Stephanie Brown was the most tragic Robin in DC Comics. She really wanted to be Robin, but at the time Batman didn’t want to mentor a new sidekick. He finally relented but put Stephanie in a situation she never had a chance to succeed in.

How did the Batman who laughs get his Robins?

The Batman Who Laughs proceeds to take over Earth-22, killing off most of his allies and turning his son Damian Wayne into a mini-Joker and recruiting the children infected by the Joker Toxin as his “Rabid Robins”.

What is the difference between Robin and Red Robin?

The identity was first used in the future timeline of the 1996 miniseries Kingdom Come, where a middle-aged Dick Grayson reclaims the Robin mantle and becomes Red Robin. His uniform is closer to Batman’s in design than any previous Robin uniform. Drake was the third Robin before assuming the Red Robin persona.

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How did Robin become red hood?

Jason Todd, the former Robin killed by the Joker in Batman: A Death in the Family, is revealed to have been resurrected by Ra’s al Ghul via the Lazarus Pit. But the pit changes him and his emotions and he becomes the new Red Hood.

Why did DC let the Joker kill Robin?

Why DC Let The Joker KILL Robin in Batman Comics In 1988 Batman fans watched as Jason Todd, the second Robin, was murdered after a fan vote – which became one of DC’s biggest mistakes. By Thomas Bacon Published Oct 07, 2019 In 1988, DC made comic book history when Batman lost a Robin, beaten and left to die in an explosion by Joker.

What happened to the 2nd Robin?

In 1988 Batman fans watched as Jason Todd, the second Robin, was murdered after a fan vote – which became one of DC’s biggest mistakes. By Thomas Bacon Published Oct 07, 2019 In 1988, DC made comic book history when Batman lost a Robin, beaten and left to die in an explosion by Joker.

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What happened to Robin after new Batman Adventures?

In the film Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, we learn through a flashback what happened to Robin after New Batman Adventures. Apparently one day, Joker and Harley were bored and decided to kidnap Robin. They torture him for two weeks until he becomes traumatized enough to reveal all of Batman’s secrets.

Why does Joker hate Dick Grayson the most as Robin?

As Robin, Nightwing never feared Joker and managed to kick his butt alongside Batman. That is probably why Joker hates Dick the most as Robin. That is because out of everyone in the Bat family, Dick is the only one to not be traumatized by the Joker.