
What happens to a eunuch?

What happens to a eunuch?

Most eunuchs underwent castration as a condition of their employment, though others were castrated as punishment or after they had been sold by poor parents.

Did eunuchs have wives?

Eunuchs were expected to show complete devotion to their duties, and to their masters and mistresses. Some eunuchs did marry and adopt children (and a few had wives and children from before their operation) but were cut off from the usual support systems. It was a life Sun Yaoting knew only too well.

Can eunuchs grow hair?

The congenital growth of hair never falls out, for a eunuch never goes bald. In the case of all castrated or mutilated male quadrupeds the voice changes to the feminine voice… As a general rule, mutilated animals grow to a greater length than the unmutilated (3).”

Do eunuchs develop breasts?

One of the scientists involved in the study, Dr Cheol-Koo Lee from Korea University, said: “The records said that eunuchs had some women-like appearances such as no moustache hair, large breasts, big hips and thin high-pitched voice.”

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What is the role of a eunuch?

A eunuch (太監, Taijian) is a man who has been castrated in his early life for this change to have major hormonal consequences. They have performed a wide variety of functions in many cultures: treble singers, courtiers, domestics, religious specialists, government officials, and harem servants.

Why were Eunuchs castrated in ancient China?

Eunuchs were castrated for several reasons. One reason was punishment, most often relaxed to sexual acts that were considered crimes at the time, like homosexuality and sex outside of marriage. Another reason eunuchs were castrated was more utilitarian.

Are physical eunuchs more likely to be masochistic?

Physical eunuchs had a nonsignificant tendency to have masochistic paraphilia involving genital mutilation in advance of their castration (P < 0.1). Both Body Integrity Identity Disorder and Gender Identity Disorders occur among those who self-identify as eunuch.

Is male-to-eunuch a valid transgender identity?

We therefore suggest that male-to-eunuch is a valid transgender identity. We present evidence that the majority of self-identified voluntary eunuchs are not male-to-female transsexuals. Whereas the majority identify as male, many view themselves as in an alternate nonmale, nonfemale, gender space.