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Is it okay to be kind to your ex?

Is it okay to be kind to your ex?

Being nice is generally a good thing. But, immediately after the breakup and for some time after it, it may be too painful for one or both of you to even be in the same room without problems. If you give yourself (and your ex) time, however, you will be able to be nice your ex.

Is going back to your ex a good idea?

The period right after the breakup can be extremely difficult, especially if you parted ways on bad terms. Over time, things do get better and you begin to heal emotionally. In such a situation, it is definitely not advisable to get back with your ex because it will result in prolonging emotional trauma.

Is it possible to rekindle a relationship with your ex?

If you notice these signs, and generally feel good at the idea of rekindling a relationship with your ex, it may be worth it to step back in and see how it feels. Because if you’re both on the same page, and want it to work, there’s a good chance it can.

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Is it worth it to give your ex a second chance?

Read on for some signs it may be worth it to give your ex a second chance, according to experts, and see where it will lead. It’s one thing for an ex to swear they’ve changed, and to talk about how they’ve learned from mistakes, or how they’ve grown as a person.

Why does my ex say he wants to come back?

Nobody likes to feel vulnerable – so you might be seeing signs your ex wants to come back before he or she actually tells you they miss you, because they’re still afraid of being turned away. An ex might be feeling very guilty about what they’ve put you through, and it might even be enough for them to try and stay away from you.

Is it possible to get your ex Back in your good graces?

No, I’m not talking about getting down on your hands and knees and begging for forgiveness with tears in your eyes; you want to be apologetic, not pathetic. An apology that will get you back in your ex’s good graces is one that avoids excuses and simply takes responsibility for wrongdoing.