
What is the difference between Gymnasium and Realschule?

What is the difference between Gymnasium and Realschule?

Realschule is for “medium good” pupils of grades 5–10. Gymnasium is for “good” pupils of grades 5–12. There is also Hauptschule which is for “less-good” pupils of grades 5–9 (I think it is 9, not sure if it was 8 or 9).

What is a Realschule in Germany?

realschule, plural Realschulen, German secondary school with an emphasis on the practical that evolved in the mid-18th century as a six-year alternative to the nine-year gymnasium. The realschule became the model for educational reformers in other countries.

How many years do students go to a gymnasium in Germany?

However, since 2004, there has been a strong political movement to reduce the time spent at the gymnasium to eight years throughout Germany, nowadays most pupils throughout Germany attend the gymnasium for 8 years (referred to as G8), dispensing with the traditional ninth year or oberprima (except in Rhineland- …

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Who goes to Realschule?

In most states of Germany, students start the Realschule at the age of ten or eleven and typically finish school at the age of 16–17. In some states, Realschulen have recently been replaced by Oberschulen or Sekundarschulen. In 2006 1.32 million German students attended a Realschule.

What is a hauptschule in Germany?

2 days ago
Hauptschule, (German: “head school”), in Germany, five-year upper elementary school preparing students for vocational school, apprenticeship in trade, or the lower levels of public service.

What is the meaning of a Realschule?

noun. In Germany, Austria, and other German-speaking areas: a secondary school in which mainly sciences and modern languages, as subjects of practical utility, are taught.

What is after Realschule?

After completing the Realschule, good students are allowed to attend a professional Gymnasium or a general-education Gymnasium. They can also attend a Berufsschule or do an apprenticeship. At Realschule, a student gets an extended education and learns at least one foreign language, usually English.

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Why is Gymnasium important in schools?

The main objective of the gym is to help the students develop more strength and stamina in terms of their health and other activities. Building a gym in school will help children to take active participation in physical activities which they neglect otherwise. Every equipment in the gym has its own importance.

What grades are Gymnasium in Germany?

The German Gymnasium is an academic secondary school that prepares pupils for a university education. It begins with the fifth grade (seventh in Berlin/Brandenburg). After grade 12 or 13 (depending on the state), students earn a diploma called das Abitur by passing an oral and written examination.

Is gymnasium the same as high school?

The National Agency of Education has decided that gymnasium is equivalent to the international upper secondary school. The gymnasium is optional and follows after nine years in elementary school. However, the Swedish term högskola (“high school”) may cause some confusion.

What grades are gymnasium in Germany?

What is the difference between the Realschule and the gymnasium?

The Realschuleis some kind of middle ground. It focuses larger on theory than the Hauptschule, but not as much as the Gymnasium. It encompasses grades 5 to 10. After that, a young person was also expected to start a vocational training. The Gymnasiumis the third part of the “dreigliedriges Schulsystem”.

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What is a high school called in Germany?

I have translated “high school” into German. There are four translations there: “Oberschule, Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium”. I am studying the difference betwenen them. hypothesis one:it is either Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium (ordered from the easiest one to the most diffucult one)

What is the German Gymnasium?

The Gymnasium is the third part of the “dreigliedriges Schulsystem”. It encompasses grades 5 to 13 (or 5 to 12) and focuses relatively heavily on theory. At the end of the Gymnasium, there’s a final examination called “Abitur”. If you pass that, you have the “Hochschulreife”, which means you can study at an university.

What is the role of the Realschule?

It leads to part-time enrollment in a vocational school combined with apprenticeship training until the age of 18. The Realschule (grades 5-10 in most states) leads to part-time vocational schools and higher vocational schools.