
Who bought the Nimbus 2000 for Harry?

Who bought the Nimbus 2000 for Harry?

professor Minerva McGonagall
In the movie, professor Minerva McGonagall gives Harry Potter a Nimbus 2000 when he joins the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Why did McGonagall confiscate Harry’s Firebolt?

Correctly suspecting that Sirius Black sent it, Hermione Granger reported it to Professor McGonagall. McGonagall then confiscated it for testing, in order to ensure Harry’s safety. Sirius later admitted to having sent the broom to Harry, calling it “thirteen birthdays’ worth of presents from your godfather.”

How did Harry Potter’s parents have so much money?

For years, fans have wondered how the Potter family came to be so rich, especially given that Harry’s parents, Lily and James, were only 21 when they were murdered by Lord Voldemort. It was these “medicinal services,” including “Skele-gro” and “Pepper Potion,” that were the beginnings of the Potter family fortune.

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Why did McGonagall give Harry Potter a nimbus?

In Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Wood suggests a Nimbus as a possible choice for Harry to McGonagall, and she agrees, saying that she needs to go talk to the headmaster to see if an exception can be made.

Who paid for the broom Harry got from McGonagall?

It’s never explicitly stated who paid for this broom, however it’s likely to have been McGonagall herself as she’s the one who made arrangements for Harry to receive it and it’s unlikely she’d have access to Harry’s inheritance to use that to pay for the broom due to McGonagall not being his legal guardian.

How many times has the Nimbus 2000 been viewed on Wikipedia?

Viewed 18k times. 35. The Nimbus 2000 was the fastest broom at the time of the Harry’s first year at Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall wanted to win the Quidditch Cup so she spoke with Dumbledore and got an exception from the rule that no first-years could have a broom for Harry.

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Who gave Harry Potter the Nimbus 2000 broom?

In 1991, Harry Potter received a Nimbus 2000 broomstick. This was arranged by Professor Minerva McGonagall after he made the Gryffindor Quidditch team.