
What did Saruman do to become white?

What did Saruman do to become white?

When he returns after fighting the Balrog, his opposition to Sauron is no longer “grey” — he must emerge into the Light as the major leader to fight Sauron. And he makes up for the vaccum created by Saruman’s betrayal… not a wizard “of many colors,” but a Wizard of pure white, integrated and whole.

What is the difference between a white wizard and GREY?

It was that resurrection that Gandalf transformed from Gandalf the Grey to Gandalf the White. The god Eru, a Valar and the supreme deity of Arda, sent him back to Middle-earth to continue his mission. Another difference is that Gandalf the White could be harsher and applied his powers more readily.

Why did Saruman lose his title of Saruman the White?

When Gandalf presented Saruman with the discovery and the location of the One Ring, Saruman revealed his desire for it and his secret alliance with Sauron. He had also shed the title of Saruman the White; Saruman no longer had any loyalty to the White Council, or the Ring-bearer.

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What is the role of Saruman in The Lord of the Rings?

The role of Saruman within the story of The Lord of the Rings is unique, as he is one of the oldest and wisest beings on the planet, yet he uses his knowledge to bring technology to Middle-earth. In many ways, Saruman is worse than Sauron, as Sauron was influenced by Melkor, while Saruman was simply consumed with greed and a lust for power.

What was Saruman’s most powerful power?

The most powerful ability Saruman possessed was his voice, as he had an unearthly ability to bend the wills of others to his with only his speech. Saruman was so persuasive that he even managed to trick the Witch-king of Angmar into leaving him be.

What is the relationship between Maia and Saruman?

Saruman, like all of the wizards who arrived in Middle-earth, was secretly a Maia in a mortal guise. The Maiar were angelic beings who had a hand in the creation of the world.