Do enchanted items work on followers Skyrim?

Do enchanted items work on followers Skyrim?

Because followers choose which items to equip, verify that your follower equips the enchanted item(s). All other enchantments on apparel and armor do not actually have an effect for followers, even if they should.

Does enchanted gear work on followers?

In general; yes. Almost all skill enchantment will work on followers. Some of the best ones are fortify one-handed/two-handed, etc. The only ones that don’t work are magicka, because followers never seem to run out of magicka anyway.

Can followers recharge weapons Skyrim?

The answer is still nothing. Now, followers can make it way easier to fill soul gems (unless this has been patched) by filling an entire stack when they capture a soul, but they won’t recharge depleted weapons.

Can I have 2 followers in Skyrim?

You can only have one follower at a time: if you want a different one, you need to dismiss the first one before you recruit them. There is one exception to this: there are situations when you already have a follower when a person needs to join you for something quest-related.

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What enchantments do followers benefit from?

Enchantments on weapons work normally, except Soul Trap and Fiery Soul Trap, since followers cannot fill soul gems, but followers will only benefit from the following enchantment effects on their apparel and armor: Fortify Carry Weight. Fortify Health.

Can followers soul trap?

Taken from the follower article: Followers can fill soul gems on the Dragonborn’s behalf – provided they have soul gems in their inventory and a weapon with the Soul Trap enchantment. If your follower has empty soul gems and a weapon with soul trap, then yes they can absorb souls.

Can companions fill soul gems?

Yes, they can. In fact, in the original release there was an exploit that allowed followers to fill multiple soul gems of the same size with a single kill. It has since been patched (not sure if it was an official or unofficial patch that did it) but a single soul gem they can fill regardless.

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Which females can you marry in Skyrim?


Name Race Location
Aela the Huntress Nord Whiterun, generally in Jorrvaskr.
Aeri Nord Aeri’s House in Anga’s Mill.
Anwen Redguard Temple of Dibella in Markarth.
Avrusa Sarethi Dark Elf Sarethi Farm.

How do you get AELA the Huntress as a follower?

Aela can be recruited to be a follower once you’ve completed The Companions Quests. She is a valuable asset to your adventuring party, as she is also an expert trainer in Archery. She values Archery, Sneak, Speech, One-Handed and Light Armor.

What happens if you part ways with Lydia?

If the Dragonborn and Lydia part ways, she returns to Dragonsreach. If Breezehome in Whiterun is owned, she will return there instead.

Do enchantments have any effect on followers?

All other enchantments on apparel and armor do not actually have an effect for followers, even if they should. Notably, this means: * Fortify does not increase the amount of damage they do. * Fortify does not reduce enchanted weapon usage cost at all, or remove it at values of 100\%.

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How do I reduce enchanting costs?

Equip them with items that reduce the cost of the appropriate school (the school governing the enchant) 100\% and the weapon will not lose charge. You can do this on a single item with the alchemy/enchanting loop or spread it over 4 items reducing it by 25\% each (head, ring, amulet and armor).

What is the best enchantment for a mage follower?

Resist enchantment it is. The easiest thing to forget about mage followers is that they will rarely have as high a skill level or the perks in Armor like you do, so that capped set you wear will not be nearly as effective for them when they wear it. Adding Fortify Armor enchants can help reduce the damage.

Does fortify work with enchanted weapons?

* Fortify does not reduce enchanted weapon usage cost at all, or remove it at values of 100\%. o There are reports that this effect does work for some followers, but very few. See the discussion page for more information.
