
Which book is good for GATE preparation for CSE?

Which book is good for GATE preparation for CSE?

GATE Books for CSE (Topic-wise)

Topic Covered Name of the Book Author
Database Management Systems Database System Concepts Henry Korth
Discrete Mathematics Discrete Mathematics and its Applications Kenneth H Rosen
Digital Logic and Number representation Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals Morris Mano

Who will set Gate 2023 paper?

IIT Kanpur
GATE 2023 will be organized by IIT Kanpur. GATE 2023 will be held tentatively in the first week of February across various cities in India.

Does GATE CSE syllabus change every year?

GATE Exam Pattern and Syllabus is almost the same every year. If there will be any change in the exam pattern, it will be updated here. GATE Exam Pattern consists of all important information, such as the total number of questions, the number of sections, types of questions asked, and the marking scheme of the exam.

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How to prepare for the gate 2023 exam?

The best way to learn time management is to solve the GATE 2023 mock tests within three hours. This will allow you to practice completing the exam within the time duration of the exam. Along with studies, you must also keep themselves healthy both mentally and physically.

How to prepare for Gate Computer Science Engineering (CSE)?

Students preparing to appear for the GATE Computer Science Engineering (CSE) question paper must be thinking to prepare for the exam from now on. GATE books for CSE preparation are the first thing that comes to the mind of a student as soon as he/she starts studying for the exam.

Which book covers the entire gate CSE syllabus?

The following books cover the entire GATE CSE syllabus and are recommended by the students who performed well in the exam. Theory of Computer Science: Automata, Languages and Computation by Mishra K.L.P.

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What are the best books for solving gate CS exam questions?

Wiley’s Acing the GATE (CS) -> This book can also be used for solving questions. This is specifically made for GATE exam thus questions are like GATE questions. Hiring CS majors for internships and entry-level roles. Get matched with your dream job. Start interviewing for jobs and internships with top companies.