
Is there any such thing as enlightenment?

Is there any such thing as enlightenment?

No one is permanently enlightened; that would be the story of a future. There’s only enlightenment in the moment. Do you believe a stressful thought?

How do you realize enlightenment?

Practice mindfulness to help you focus on the present.

  1. Think about what you’re doing right now.
  2. Describe the environment around you.
  3. Notice what you’re feeling.
  4. Actively listen to others when they speak.
  5. Focus on your breath to root yourself in the moment.

What if there was no enlightenment?

If the Enlightenment never happened we would most likely have very little rights and would not have rights such as freedom of speech, expression, and religion. We would also most likely not have the 2’nd Amendment or the right to over throw our Government or Nation if they became tyrannical or unjust.

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Does Enlightenment exist?

Enlightenment Doesn’t Exist — But You Can Definitely Become More Enlightened. Spiritual awareness is an ever-continuing process. It is not a final attainment. That means that the people who claim that there is a final state of enlightenment are confused by a common misunderstanding about what enlightenment is.

What is the highest level of Enlightenment?

Everyone is in that spectrum, expressing varying degrees of awareness. However, there is no specific point on that spectrum that is definitely enlightened. Rather, there are infinite degrees of enlightenment, from low to high. But, the high range stretches to infinity, and it has no limit.

Why is an informed discussion on Enlightenment impossible?

An informed discussion is impossible when just about everyone has a different idea of what enlightenment actually is. Lacking a coherent, logical definition, people are prone to erroneous notions that don’t hold up to scrutiny, not to mention magical thinking and all kinds of projections.

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Why don’t more people get enlightened?

Lacking a coherent, logical definition, people are prone to erroneous notions that don’t hold up to scrutiny, not to mention magical thinking and all kinds of projections. It’s for this reason that hardly anyone ever seems to get enlightened.