
Why do candle flames in a kinara appear blue?

Why do candle flames in a kinara appear blue?

The color in this part of the flame is indicative of the temperature. The spectrum in this part of the flame is fairly close to that of a black body. The blue part of the candle flame at the bottom of the flame results from chemiluminescence.

Why is a candle flame spherical in space?

FLAME IN MICROGRAVITY is spherical owing to a lack of buoyancy and convection. In the early years of the U.S. space program, tests were conducted on unmanned missions to ascertain what would happen to a flame in a pure oxygen environment under weightless conditions.

What happens to a candle flame in zero gravity?

But what happens when you light a candle, say, on the International Space Station (ISS)? “In microgravity, flames burn differently—they form little spheres,” says Williams. Unlike flames on Earth, which expand greedily when they need more fuel, flame balls let the oxygen come to them.

What does a flame look like in zero gravity?

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Without gravity, hot air expands but doesn’t move upward. The flame persists because of the diffusion of oxygen, with random oxygen molecules drifting into the fire. Absent the upward flow of hot air, fires in microgravity are dome-shaped or spherical—and sluggish, thanks to meager oxygen flow.

Why is a candle flame blue?

Candle Flame Different Zones Every zone has different colour and this will help us in understanding the temperatures of each zone. Due to complete combustion, the outer zone is blue. This zone is the hottest in temperature when compared to the other zones. This blue coloured zone is the non-luminous part of the flame.

Why does a candle have a blue flame?

A blue-colored flame only emerges when the amount of soot decreases and the blue emissions from excited molecular radicals become dominant, though the blue can often be seen near the base of candles where airborne soot is less concentrated.

Why is a candle blue?

Lots of oxygen makes blue flames, while limited oxygen produces yellow flames. The amount of oxygen that is available for candlelight is still not sufficient to give complete combustion, i.e. for all the wax to become water vapour and carbon dioxide.

What’s the blue part of the flame?

Color tells us about the temperature of a candle flame. The inner core of the candle flame is light blue, with a temperature of around 1670 K (1400 °C). That is the hottest part of the flame. The color inside the flame becomes yellow, orange, and finally red.

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Why is a candle flame yellow while the gas stove flame is blue?

candle flame appears to be yellow in colour when we burn it , this is because of the presence of O2 (oxygen) in it. while the flame of a gas stove appears to be blue b’coz of H2(hydrogen)in it..

What is the blue part of the flame?

The reaction zone at the surface of the flame’s tent provides the blue color of the flame. The yellow color comes from hot soot, churning around inside. Eventually this soot will probably enter the reaction zone and burn blue like the rest of the fuel.

Why is the flame blue?

You get a blue gas flame with a hydrocarbon gas when you have enough oxygen for complete combustion. When you do have sufficient oxygen, the gas flame appears blue because complete combustion creates enough energy to excite and ionize the gas molecules in the flame.

What does a candle look like in zero gravity?

In zero gravity the flame is spherical, blue, and centered on the candle wick. On Earth a candle flame is teardrop-shaped, yellow, and mostly well above the wick. As you suspected, the lack of gravity means that there is no convection, which accounts for the very different shape. But what explains the different color?

What is the shape of a candle flame in zero gravity?

In zero gravity the flame is spherical, blue, and centered on the candle wick. On Earth a candle flame is teardrop-shaped, yellow, and mostly well above the wick. As you suspected, the lack of gravity means that there is no convection, which accounts for the very different shape.

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How do candles burn in microgravity?

A microgravity flame forms a sphere surrounding the wick. Diffusion feeds the flame with oxygen and allows carbon dioxide to move away from the point of combustion, so the rate of burning is slowed. The flame of a candle burned in microgravity is an almost invisible blue color (video cameras on Mir could not detect the blue color).

What color is the flame of a candle in space?

The flame of a candle burned in microgravity is an almost invisible blue, so invisible that video cameras on the Mir Space Station could not even detect the color. Experiments on Skylab and Mir indicate that the temperature of the flame is too low for the yellow color seen on Earth.

What happens to a flame in zero gravity?

The resulting flame is not only spherical, it is also cooler than on Earth. Without the airflow caused by convection, there is much less mixing of fuel vapors and air — which greatly reduces the rate of burning. In zero gravity, these two types of gases come into contact through slow diffusion instead of rapid convection.