
Is vergere a Sith?

Is vergere a Sith?

Vergere (pronounced /vɚ’ʒɪɹ/) was a Fosh Jedi Knight turned Sith in the waning years of the Galactic Republic. She was the former Padawan of Jedi Master Thracia Cho Leem and disappeared in 30 BBY, finding the Yuuzhan Vong on Zonama Sekot and secretly living with them for half a century.

Who was Darth Millennial’s apprentice?

Darth Cognus
Masters. Darth Millennial was a three-eyed mutant Sith Lord and Shadow Hand, heir to the lineage of Darth Bane, who lived almost a thousand years before the Battle of Yavin. Apprenticed to Darth Cognus, Millennial was powerful in the Force and had the ability to see the future.

Was Obi-Wan a Sith?

During the Star Wars prequels, the Jedi order were shown to be investigating the whereabouts of an evil Sith Lord thought to be masterminding events behind the scenes.

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How was zonama sekot formed?

Ferroan for “World of Body and Mind,” Zonama Sekot was formed from the seed of another living world, Yuuzhan’tar, which was destroyed in the Cremlevian War. While Zonama is the name of the actual planet, Sekot is its living intelligence.

Who killed Darth Millennial?

Millennial’s order was eventually wiped out by a trio of dark side users, Azrakel, Lumiya, and Carnor Jax. A false group of prophets sprung up after the Battle of Endor, using the ancient prophecy that another three-eyed mutant would rise to promote Trioculus as the new Emperor.

Has there ever been more than 2 Sith Lords?

Successor to the Doctrine of the Dyad, the rule mandated that only two Sith Lords could exist at any given time: a master to represent the power of the dark side of the Force, and an apprentice to train under the master and to one day fulfill their role. The philosophy of two governed the Lords of the Sith.

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What would be Obi-Wan’s Sith name?

Obi-Wan Kenobi, later known as Ben Kenobi during his exile and then Darth Rage after turning to the dark side to save Luke Skywalker from the wrath of Darth Raxus The Sith Emperor’s most loyal Sith Lord.

Did George Lucas want Starkiller to be Darth Vader?

(Though George Lucas did want the character to be known as Darth Icky or the equally deranged Darth Insanious. Seriously .) Still being a secret apprentice of Darth Vader, Starkiller was well trained in the ways of the Sith, he just kind of sucked at it.

Are the Sith the worst in the Star Wars galaxy?

The Sith are the worst that the Star Wars galaxy has to offer, but there are some who go from evil to just completely worthless. In Star Wars, the Sith are the baddest of the bad.

What if ekkage had been a more shrewd Sith?

Ekkage is the perfect example of a Sith who is cruel and brutal but entirely too cocky. If Ekkage was just a little bit more shrewd and a little less stabby, there’s a chance she wouldn’t be such easy pickings in The Old Republic.

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Is Asajj Palpatine a good Sith?

Yet purely as a Sith, Asajj is kind of worthless. The Clone Wars did try to make something out of Darth Maul other than being the new Boba Fett — a cool looking character from the movies who does almost nothing — but it didn’t fix things completely.