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How big was Saurons army at the Black Gate?

How big was Saurons army at the Black Gate?

The Battle An exact count of Sauron’s host is not given, but it is said that they were “ten times and more than ten times” greater than the Host of the West, making it a force of at least 60,000. Sauron’s forces surrounded the Army of the West entirely, circling around them to prevent any escape.

Who is the army at the Black Gate?

The Black Gate was the site of the last great battle of the War of the Ring. In March 3019, the Army of the West commanded by Aragorn Elessar and numbering some 6,000 men (plus one Elf, one Dwarf, a Wizard and one Hobbit) arrived at the Black Gate and challenged the forces of Mordor.

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How many men did Aragorn take to the Black Gate?

This resulted in the departure of 1,000 men, leaving 6,000 to continue on towards the Black Gate. Upon arrival, Aragorn defensively arrayed his forces upon two Slag-hills with a mire of mud and stinking pools between his army and the Gate.

What did Sauron say to Aragorn at the Black Gate?

The Mouth of Sauron appeared briefly before the host of the West prior to the Battle of the Black Gate. He insulted the host, asking who had authority to treat with him, and dismissed Aragorn’s claim as King. But then Aragorn’s gaze frightened him, and he cried out that he was a herald and an ambassador, and must not be attacked.

What was the mouth of Sauron?

The Mouth of Sauron communicated directly with the Dark Lord. A man of great stature, potentially the equal of other Dúnedain, the Mouth of Sauron had fallen into darkness. The Black Númenóreans had established their dwellings in Middle-earth during the years of Sauron’s domination and worshipped him.

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How many Orcs did Sauron have in Mordor?

Sauron had over 60,000 orcs, trolls, beasts, and Easterlings in reserve back in Mordor. These forces were unleashed through the Black Gate at the Battle of the Morannon.

What was the size of Sauron’s Army?

As noted by Richard in the comments, there isn’t any definitive figure for Sauron’s army, but we could guess anywhere upwards of 50,000 due to this bit of text, taken from Richard’s link here: Mordor’s troops consisted of some 18,000 Easterlings and Haradrim, [2] several Haradrim war Oliphaunts, and tens of thousands of Orcs.