
Is C platform independent or dependent?

Is C platform independent or dependent?

C language is a platform independent programming language. Platform dependent language means that the code or the application will run under only one operating system.

What is a platform dependent language?

Platform Dependent means it gets effected by the System Software.It can’t be run other systems. Platform Independent means it first converts the program to the intermediate state Byte code (which is platform Independent) and then compiles the program to another language source code.

Why C is platform dependent and Java is platform independent?

java is platform independent , which means once written you can run it anywhere. The platform is a hardware or software used to run an application. The term Platform Independence means “write once and run anywhere”. When we compile our Java code then .

Why C and C++ is operating system dependent?

In case of C or C++ (language that are not platform independent), the compiler generates an .exe file which is OS dependent. When we try to run this .exe file on another OS it does not run, since it is OS dependent and hence is not compatible with the other OS.

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Is C programming language is platform dependent?

We know that C is not platform independent. but if we make a program on a operating system and copy the same program on other os without any changes then this program will run after compiling and will give the same answer.

Is C language machine dependent?

Hello , C program is not machine dependent. It is machine independent. Because you can write a program code on any other configurations of hardware. And, Platform independent is totally a different thing where you can write a program which supports on different environment of software .

What is mean by platform dependent in C?

That means if we develop one application using Windows Operating System if that application can only be executed on Windows Operating System and can be run on other Operating Systems like Mac, Linux, this is called platform dependency. C and C++ are platform-dependent languages.

Why any software is platform dependent?

Platform dependent typically refers to applications that run under only one operating system in one series of computers (one operating environment); for example, Windows running on x86 hardware or Solaris running on SPARC hardware. Applications written in Java are a prime example. See platform and environment.

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Is Python machine dependent?

Python programs are platform independent because they can be run on different platforms using an interpreter built specifically for that platform. Just as Java programs can be run on different platforms using a JVM built for that platform.

Why is C++ not platform dependent?

When a program is written and compiled in C/C++ language, the code is directly converted into machine readable language . i.e. executable code. i.e. when the program is compiled in windows OS .exe file can run only in windows OS and not on Unix OS. Therefore C/C++ programs are said to be platform dependent.

Is C program platform independent?

C Language itself is a Platform Independent . But if a application has been developed using c programming language and it is uses some Operating System feature/Kernel Feature then it become platform dependent.

Is C programming language platform dependent?

Is C Programming Language Platform Dependent? C language is a platform independent programming language. Platform dependent language means that the code or the application will run under only one operating system.Does it mean that the C program or code written in Windows XP wont run in the computer with other than windows XP operating system?

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What is platform dependent code or platform dependency?

Platform dependent code or Platform Dependency : Applications that are developed by using few languages such as C language cannot be executed on other operating systems, whenever we compile the source code of a program written using these languages, will generate Machine code (or) Executable code (or) Native code.

Is the compiled code in platform independent languages platform independent?

Though the compiled code in platform independent languages are independent, their run time environments are not platform independent. E.g. a Java compiled file is platform independent but each of the machine who wants to run that code needs JVM pre installed. And the JVM built for Linux will not be compatible with Windows and vice-versa.

Why Java is platform independent?

The answer is that java is a platform independent because java compiler which is a part of jvm (java virtual machine) converts java code into an intermediate level code which can be read and executed by jvm of any other platform and that makes java platform independent.