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What if Sirius betrayed the Potters?

What if Sirius betrayed the Potters?

Even if Sirius had never been framed, Pettigrew still would have betrayed the Potters. So Harry’s parents would still be dead. Lily would still have died to protect her son. And so the charm that protected Harry till he was 17 years old would still be in place.

Why is James Potter’s nickname prongs?

James Potter Harry’s father James and godfather Sirius Black worked for three years during their time at Hogwarts to become Animagi to keep their friend Remus Lupin company during the full moon. James’s Animagus form was that of a stag, which earned him his nickname, Prongs.

Why did Harry blame Snape for Sirius Black’s Death?

Tragically, things didn’t go as planned and Sirius left Grimmauld Place to fight alongside the Order, losing his life in the fray. Whether it was for ignoring his message or for goading Sirius earlier on, Harry partially blamed Snape for his godfather’s death. Perhaps it was easier than facing the pain of his loss.

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How did Snape risk his life to save Harry Potter?

If anyone has a talent for getting themselves into trouble over and over, it’s Harry James Potter — and Snape risks his life by continuously trying to help and save him. After all, if Voldemort found out… Dumbledore’s death is heartbreaking. When Draco Malfoy can’t bring himself to do the deed, Snape is the one to step up and finish the job off.

How many times were Severus Snape’s actions misunderstood?

It took a while for us all to get a handle on Severus Snape’s character. Ambiguous to the max, here are five times his actions were misunderstood by those around him… Harry had a close call during his first Quidditch match when his Nimbus Two Thousand started a strange impromptu dance trying to knock him off.

Why does everyone hate Snape for killing Dumbledore?

Snape is forced to take the fall and let everyone hate him for killing Dumbledore when, in fact, it’s not easy for him to do at all. He’s doing it for the greater good. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, he becomes Headmaster of Hogwarts, and it doesn’t seem right at all that he’s taken Dumbledore’s position.