
What was written in the letter Dumbledore left the Dursleys?

What was written in the letter Dumbledore left the Dursleys?

A Howler from Dumbledore, addressed to Petunia, said ‘Remember my last’ – no doubt referring to the letter which he left with baby Harry, on the doorstep of Privet Drive. But there was another occasion when Albus had a reason to write, and it had long-lasting consequences.

Why did Petunia get a howler?

Letter information This howler was written by Albus Dumbledore to Petunia Dursley on 2 August, 1995, to remind her “of the pact she had sealed by taking Harry Potter” into her home. This howler ensured Harry Potter continued to reside at the Dursley residence.

Why did Dumbledore leave the Deluminator to Ron?

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Whenever Hermione and Harry mentioned Ron’s name, he could hear snippets of conversation before and after, even though he was far away. Ron speculated that this was the true reason that Dumbledore left him the Deluminator: so that he could find his way back to his friends if he ever left them.

What happens to Voldemort after he dies does he become a ghost?

He cannot become a ghost because he destroyed most of his soul. All of his soul fragments ceased to exist the moment their containers were broken beyond magical repair. He cannot “pass on” and he cannot go back and become a ghost.

What was in the letter Dumbledore wrote to Petunia?

The contents of the letter could be presumed to include: The news and circumstances of the death of Petunia’s sister Lily Potter and her husband James. The magical protection which would be placed upon 4 Privet Drive when Harry was to be adopted.

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Why did Dumbledore leave a letter to the Dursleys?

But instead he leaves a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, places the Chosen One on the doorstep, and hopes that perhaps the most thoroughly unpleasant Muggles in Britain won’t abandon him, push him off on someone else, etc. One thing that’s always struck me as a bit callous is that Dumbledore tells Petunia her sister is dead in a letter.

Did Dumbledore tell Petunia her sister was dead in a letter?

One thing that’s always struck me as a bit callous is that Dumbledore tells Petunia her sister is dead in a letter. A letter attached to Lily’s orphaned baby.

What does Dumbledore say about his mother in the letter?

In Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore mentions part of the letter to Harry: “While you can still call home the place where your mother’s blood dwells, there you cannot be touched or harmed by Voldemort. He shed her blood, but it lives on in you and her sister.

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Why did Petunia Potter take Harry in?

When a letter arrived from Dumbledore with news of the Potters’ murder, Petunia “felt she had no choice” but to take Harry in, but did so grudgingly, writes Rowling, “and spent the rest of Harry’s childhood punishing him for her own choice”.