How effective are arrows?

How effective are arrows?

A trained archer could fire 10 arrows in a minute, and they could lay down fire for 3-5 minutes depending on how many arrows each person was stocked with. All soldiers aren’t wearing plate mail; so arrows would be effective on lightly armored opponents, like the typical infantry and enemy archers/crossbows.

Can arrows defeat armor?

In a modern test, a direct hit from a steel bodkin point penetrated mail armour, although at point blank range. Computer analysis by Warsaw University of Technology in 2017 demonstrated that heavy bodkin-point arrows could penetrate typical plate armour of the time at 225 metres (738 ft).

Did the Spartans use bows and arrows?

If so, this would indicate that archers, as used by the Spartans, were far more than mere skirmishers, and may have been used akin to line troops in battle, exchanging their bows for swords when the situation dictated. If nothing else, it suggests the value Sparta placed upon bowmen.

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Can an arrow pierce body armor?

An arrow pushes apart the fibres when it goes through Kevlar where bullets flatten against the fibres.so yes an arrow can pierce modern day Kevlar.

Can arrows pierce helmet?

After rotating the helmet onto its side he shoots at the top of it. While the tip definitely leaves a mark, it bounces right off. It seems that the plastic of this particular helmet is safe from piercing damage of an arrow moving 180 feet per second….Live By The Sword, Die By The Arrow:

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Why did Spartans hate arrows?

The Spartans hated the bow and arrow because they thought that it was a weapon for cowards since it killed from a distance. They thought that it was for pussies. The Spartans always fought real close, face to face with their enemy.

Which God has a bow and arrow?

In classical mythology, the best-known archers are Eros and Cupid, the Greek and Roman gods of love, respectively. They wield a bow with arrows that cause uncontrollable desire in whomever they hit. It’s a beautiful metaphor and what has made Cupid probably the most-depicted archer in art history.

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Why were the arrows from the longbow so effective?

The arrows from the longbow were so effective because of the ingenious way that they were made. They were made, or to use the technical term fletched so that they were accurate. The University of Exeter reports that the study “provides evidence this arrow at least was fletched to spin clockwise as it hit a victim.”

How effective were crossbows/arrows against knights?

In the right hands they were incredibly powerful and the arrows could penetrate armor. Also, crossbow bolts can penetrate armor. As you say, arrows were mostly ineffective against knights in the general case. This was because many archers did not use real longbows, and because if the arrow hit at an angle, it would just glance off.

What type of Arrow was used in the Battle of Hastings?

Those who died from this wound, such as King Harold at the Battle of Hastings (1066) were often viewed as great sinners. It is believed that the type of arrow that caused the hideous wound was a bodkin. This had a square or lozenge-shaped arrowhead and was often used to penetrate plated armor.

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How effective was the longbow in medieval warfare?

Depiction of the Battle of Agincourt during the One Hundred Years’ War, where the medieval longbow is believed to have been very effective in helping the English Henry V win the battle. ( Public domain ) The study of a skull dating to the 14 th century showed the sheer power of the longbow.