
Why are there so many exceptions in chemistry?

Why are there so many exceptions in chemistry?

The main reason why there seem to be innumerable exceptions in organic chemistry is that the forces of attraction at the molecular level take a very complicated form mathematically (some of these forces vary inversely with the sixth power of separation between atoms).

What is a theory chemistry?

Theoretical chemistry is the examination of the structural and dynamic properties of molecules and molecular materials using the tools of quantum chemistry, equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and dynamics.

Why are events that happen only once difficult to analyze from a scientific point of view?

Why are events that happen only once difficult to analyze from a scientific point of view? Sometimes the results from a one-time experiment are inconclusive. Through repeatability scientists eliminate bias and test their results by having independent investigators repeat their experiment.

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What is the meaning of theories in physics?

A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can incorporate laws, hypotheses and facts. A theory not only explains known facts; it also allows scientists to make predictions of what they should observe if a theory is true. Scientific theories are testable.

What are some theories in chemistry?

Chemistry: the kinetic theory of gases, valence bond theory, Lewis theory, molecular orbital theory. Geology: plate tectonics theory. Climatology: climate change theory.

Why are there so many exceptions to the law of attraction?

The main reason why there seem to be innumerable exceptions in organic chemistry is that the forces of attraction at the molecular level take a very complicated form mathematically (some of these forces vary inversely with the sixth power of separation between atoms).

Why are there so many exceptions in Grade 11 chemistry?

It’s not that there are a lot of exceptions in chemistry , it’s just that grade-11 chemistry consists of simplifed models. You only study elementary concepts about chemistry in highschool, many of the “exceptions” you might study about can be perfectly explained by advanced theoretical frameworks.

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Why is organic chemistry considered an exceptional subject?

That’s because chemistry is an exceptional subject meant to be taught by exceptional teachers to exceptional students. In organic chemistry, scientists usually build reasoning to explain certain observations.

How can quantum theory be used to explain chemical reactions?

If quantum theory is to elucidate chemical effects, it goes beyond an analysis of atomic hydrogen. It deals with all types of atom, molecules, and ions, and explains their interaction with each other and predicts the course of chemical reactions as a function of environmental factors.