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What happens when you come off lithium?

What happens when you come off lithium?

If you suddenly stop taking lithium, one of the drugs most commonly prescribed to stabilize bipolar disorder moods, you can experience “rebound,” a worsening of your bipolar symptoms.

How long does it take lithium to leave your system?

In healthy adults, it takes up to four days, on average, for most of the lithium to be gone from the body. However, studies have shown that the longer a person has been on lithium, the longer it may take for their body to clear it completely after stopping.

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Can lithium be stopped abruptly?

Do not stop taking lithium suddenly or change your dose without speaking to your doctor first. It’s important you keep taking it, even if you feel better. If you stop taking it suddenly you could become unwell again very quickly.

Can you restart lithium after stopping?

Refer to the latest BNF for dosage instructions on initiation. A normal starting dose for adults is 400mg at night and for the elderly 200mg at night. When restarting lithium for those who recently stopped, higher starting doses may be used based on previous maintenance dose.

What happens if you quit lithium cold turkey?

Lithium – When abruptly discontinued, people who have been taking lithium to stabilize moods may experience mood instability and a relapse of mania.

What happens when you stop taking lithium cold turkey?

How do I wean myself off lithium?

If you need to stop taking lithium, it is best for you to come off it gradually, over at least four weeks, but preferably over three to six months. Gradually reducing the dose will make it less likely that your symptoms come back (compared to stopping the lithium quickly).

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What are the side effects of going off lithium?

Advertisement Here are side effects of lithium: Common side effects: These include nausea or heartburn, muscle tremors or weakness, decreased sex drive, lethargy and drowsiness (which may impair the ability to safely drive an automobile), difficulty concentrating, weight gain, increased thirst and increased frequency of urination, and rash or acne.

What happens if you stop taking lithium?

If you suddenly stop taking lithium, one of the drugs most commonly prescribed to stabilize bipolar disorder moods, you can experience “rebound,” a worsening of your bipolar symptoms.

What does withdrawal from lithium feel like?

Lithium is used as a “mood stabilizer” and when a person withdraws from it, they may be prone to experiencing mania, hypomania, or depression. Chest tightness: Another relatively rare withdrawal effect is that of feeling tightness in the chest or some type of constriction. This should subside as your body returns to normal blood levels.

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How do you stop taking lithium?

People that stop taking Lithium within 1 to 14 days are 4 times more likely to relapse in comparison to individuals that stop taking it over a 14 to 30 day period. Most evidence suggests that the safest way to quit taking Lithium is gradually – over a period of weeks.