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Is PUBG harmful to students?

Is PUBG harmful to students?

The blood and gore portrayed in the game can negatively affect minds of children as well as adults. PUBG on small 5-6-inch screens may result in eyesight issues. A fitness trainer in Jammu was hospitalised after he suffered a mental breakdown while playing PUBG.

What is the bad effects of PUBG game?

1. It is extremely violent. PUBG has been under scrutiny for being a violent game. Excessive violence can trigger aggressive thoughts, emotions and behaviour that ultimately affects the mental health of the player.

Can students play PUBG?

Anybody can download and play PUBG despite ban; government says it’s aware of breaches.

Is PUBG harmful for mobile?

if u have a low end or mid-range phone then pubg is harmful for ur mobile because it is a high graphic content game which needs heavy processors to run smoothly. It also consumes lot of battery. In mid-range and low-end devices it causes overheating in the phone While playing for some sort of time.

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What are the effects of PUBG on a person’s life?

There are no any effects of PUBG on their life. f CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 ABOUT PUBG Player Unknown’s Battle Grounds (PUBG) is an online multiplayer “Battle Royale” game which is developed and published by PUBG Corporation, a secondary video game company called Bluehole from South Korea.

Should PUBG be banned in schools?

Many schools and universities and even the government needed banning PUBG. PUBG really brings out the violence in one. Students are entirely focused on playing this game for several hours and altogether, not paying attention to their studies or any other important task for their well being.

What is pupubg (PUBG)?

PUBG also knows as player unknown’s battleground is an online video game where hundreds of players play together. PUBG is a multiplayer shooter game where up to one hundred players fight in a ‘battle royal’ and the last person or team alive wins. In my dissertation, I study the effects of PUBG among college student of CUSB.

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How pupubg is affecting the minds of students?

PUBG really brings out the violence in one. Students are entirely focused on playing this game for several hours and altogether, not paying attention to their studies or any other important task for their well being. The kills and the blood in this game are negatively affecting the minds of children and young adults.