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What are word processors 3 examples?

What are word processors 3 examples?

Examples of word processor programs

  • Abiword.
  • Apple iWork – Pages.
  • Apple TextEdit – Apple macOS included word processor.
  • Corel WordPerfect.
  • Dropbox Paper (online and free).
  • Google Docs (online and free).
  • LibreOffice -> Writer (free).
  • Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Word.

What is a word processor class 3?

With respect to class 3 Introduction to MS-Word 2010, MS – Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. It is a program that is used for typing text. A word document file can contain text, images, tables, graphs, charts, etc. We can type and save those documents and use it later.

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What is word processor short answer?

word processor, computer program used to write and revise documents, compose the layout of the text, and preview on a computer monitor how the printed copy will appear.

What is word processor give some examples of famous word processor?

A word processor, or word processing program, does exactly what the name implies. It processes words. It also processes paragraphs, pages, and entire papers. Some examples of word processing programs include Microsoft Word, WordPerfect (Windows only), AppleWorks (Mac only), and OpenOffice.org.

What is processing class 3 answer?

What is processing? Ans-The process of conversion from input to output. 3.

What is word processor class 4?

MS Word is a word processing software. It falls under the category of application software. It is used to create and edit personal and business documents such as letters, reports etc.

What is word processor for Class 9?

Answer: A Software or a computer that enables users to build, edit, and print documents is a word processor. It helps users to write text, save it electronically, show it on a computer, edit it by entering keyboard commands and characters, and print it out.

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What is word processor Name any two popular word processor?

Two of the most widely used examples of word processing software are Microsoft Word and Google Docs. Both Word and Google Docs provide the business writer with the formatting tools needed to create professional documents.

What is word processor What are its type?

The word “word processor” means it processes words with pages and paragraphs. Word processors are of 3 types which are electronic, mechanical, and software.

What is a word processor name some word processing softwares?

Some examples of word processing programs include Microsoft Word, WordPerfect (Windows only), AppleWorks (Mac only), and OpenOffice.org. The term “text editor” can also be used to refer to a word processing program. However, it is more commonly used to describe basic word processing programs with limited features.

What is a word processor and how does it work?

What is a Word Processor? Sometimes abbreviated as WP, a word processor is a software program capable of creating, storing, and printing typed documents. Today, the word processor is one of the most frequently used software programs on a computer, with Microsoft Word being the most popular word processor.

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What is the earliest word processor on the market?

The earliest word processors were standalone machines similar to electric typewriters that debuted in the 1960s. The word processor is one of the most frequently used software programs on a computer, with Microsoft Word being the most popular word processor. Was this answer helpful? Thank you.

What are the different types of word processing?

The concept of word processing arose from the more general data processing, which since the 1950s had been the application of computers to business administration. Through history, there have been 3 types of word processors: mechanical, electronic and software. Mechanical word processing

What is the best free word processor for MacBook?

1 Abiword. 2 Apple iWork – Pages. 3 Apple TextEdit – Apple macOS included word processor. 4 Corel WordPerfect. 5 Dropbox Paper (online and free). 6 Google Docs (online and free). 7 LibreOffice -> Writer (free). 8 Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Word. 9 Microsoft WordPad. 10 Microsoft Works (discontinued).