Does a VE and A1 ve are same?

Does a VE and A1 ve are same?

No, they are not the same. As you are aware, blood group – A people will have the presence of Antigen -A. That means, the surface of red blood cells of such person will have A antigen. But, within A antigen there are more than 20 different subtypes.

Is blood type A1 rare?

A1 and A2 are rare subgroups. However, they may lead to transfusion related reactions which could be lethal. By knowing the prevalence of A1 and A2 subgroups in a blood bank at tertiary care hospital, the dangerous transfusion reactions occurring due to these minor incompatibilities can be avoided.

What is the most rare blood type?

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type AB
In the U.S., the blood type AB, Rh negative is considered the rarest, while O positive is most common.

Is A1 positive different from a positive?

Originally Answered: Is A1 and a positive the same? The blood group A1 is the sub type of A and it may have positive or negative in Rh. Blood group A is in two of the major blood groups: O, A, B and AB. Group A is made up of subtypes of A, i.e. A1, A2, and rare subtypes such as A3, Aint, etc.

What does A1 blood type mean?

Subtypes for blood type A include A1, A2, Ax, Aint and others, but the most common is A1. • If the donor is not subtype A1, it means they have less A antigen on their red blood cells (RBCs) and organs, which allows them to donate to recipients outside of their primary blood type.

What is anti A1?

The Anti-A1 reagent is for the in vitro detection and identification of human A1 red blood cells by direct agglutination. INTRODUCTION. In 1911, von Dungern and Hirszfield reported a variation in the expression of A antigen which led to the discovery that group A antigens can be subclassified into A1 and A2.

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What is the difference between A1+ve and A2+ve?

Presence or Absence of Rh factor makes them either Rh+ve or Rh-ve. So a person who has A1+ve will have the A1 subtype of an A antigen and a person who has A2+ve will have the A2 subtype of an A antigen.

What is the difference between blood group a and A1?

So, subtype A1 is in (and is similar to) blood group A. 80\% of people with blood groups A or AB have the A1 subtype. The other 20\% have an A subtype (e.g., A2 or A2B). Group A subtypes may be significant in blood transfusion. Subtypes of group A may make antibodies to A1.

Is type a blood type A2 rare?

No. In fact, it is the most common among Type A blood. Most Type A folks are Type A1. No, it is actually common. A2 is rare, A1 the most common variety. Roughly 40\% of the population is A.

What is the difference between A1b and A1 and A2?

A1 and A2 subtypes are very common among 22+ subtypes of A antigen, other subtypes are very rare. 99\% of people will have either A1 or A2. 80\% of the people are said to have A1 subtype and it is very common. When a person is said to have A1B that means he is able to code for Antigen A with subtype A1 and also antigen B.