Tips and tricks

What is opinionated programming?

What is opinionated programming?

What are “Opinionated” Frameworks? At one extreme, a framework is called “opinionated.” This means the framework designers have built a “happy path” that makes development easier and faster for people using their framework — as long as they follow specific assumptions.

What is a opinionated framework?

An opinionated framework is one which is designed in such a wayy that it’s users will experience the least frinction with that framework when the framework is used in a way that does not violate the assumptions made by the framework designer.

What does UN opinionated mean?

Not opinionated; without strong opinions.

Is Vue opinionated?

Vue is much less opinionated than Angular, offering official support for a variety of build systems, with no restrictions on how you structure your application. Many developers enjoy this freedom, while some prefer having only one Right Way to build any application.

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What should a good programmer know about frameworks?

The good programmer should also beware the old hammer/nail maxim and not use the framework for something on which it really isn’t needed, even if it could be used. There are too many people who know how to use JQuery, for instance, but have no clue how to do similar things in vanilla JavaScript.

Should I use a framework to build my first product?

You should focus on the most important thing: building a great product and deliver the features your customers want That should be your ultimate goal. If a framework will help you with that and focus on the essential (in most cases I believe yes), then use it.

Why are there so many different frameworks for web design?

The other answers here provide some great history and explanation of web design, but do not answer your exact question directly: why are there so many different, competing frameworks? The answer is because web application development as we know it is basically just around a decade old.

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Do you think programmers should reinvent the wheel?

Yes, when needed. A good programmer will avoid reinventing the wheel, especially if the existing wheel is well-made. If they need a wheel and there’s one available already, the only reason not to use it is if it isn’t what the person needs.