
Why did Uncle Vernon lock Harry in his bedroom?

Why did Uncle Vernon lock Harry in his bedroom?

Uncle Vernon blames Harry for ruining his deal with the Masons. So Uncle Vernon seizes the opportunity to go further than he ever has before: he locks Harry in his bedroom with a small cat flap in the door so that Harry can receive (scanty) meals. He also installs bars on Harry’s windows so that Harry can’t fly away.

What was the boys punishment for taking the Mr Weasley’s car?

Arthur Weasley faced an inquiry at work following this incident. By Christmas, the Daily Prophet reported that he was fined fifty Galleons for bewitching the Muggle car.

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What did the Dursley family do to Harry?

Due to Petunia’s maternal connection to Harry Potter, Harry was sent to live with the Dursleys after his parents were killed by Lord Voldemort. The belief was that Lily’s maternal sacrifice for Harry would be transmitted through Petunia, even though she held Harry in contempt.

What happens to the Weasley’s car?

Ron was worried that his parents might not be able to get back through, so they used the car to fly to Hogwarts. Just as they arrived on school grounds, the car began to break down and they ended up crashing into the Whomping Willow.

What does Mrs Weasley make Fred George and Ron and Harry joins them do as punishment for collecting Harry in a flying car?

did you care? never, as long as I’ve lived you wait until your father gets home, we never had trouble like this from Bill or Charlie or Percy …’ ‘Perfect Percy,’ muttered Fred. And, of course, the famous Howler Ron received for crashing the car into the Whomping Willow.

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What did the Dursleys do to Harry Potter?

After Harry is blamed for Dobby dropping Petunia’s pudding, the Dursley’s do one of the cruelest things. They lock Harry in his room and only let him out to use the bathroom. They only feed him small amounts of food through the door and have no intention of letting him go free.

What was the worst decision made by the Dursleys?

Miraculously, he still turned out to be a good person — the power of James and Lily’s genes! — but the people around him were pretty awful. They made some truly awful decisions throughout the course of the series, and even their good ones were bare minimum. Easily the worst decision made by the Dursleys was the one to treat Harry terribly.

Why did Vernon Dursley hide the letters from Harry?

When Harry began to get Hogwarts letters inviting him to the school, Vernon Dursley in particular was extremely against letting him go. He hid the letters from Harry and, when they became unavoidable, drove them to a remote location and deliberately taunted Harry. Not only was this cruel, it didn’t work.

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What did Dudley do to Harry’s new bedroom?

The evidence was all over Harry’s new bedroom, which included a ‘small working tank Dudley had once driven over next door’s dog’ and an empty birdcage after Dudley swapped a parrot for an air rifle. For good measure, Dudley expressed his displeasure over the new sleeping arrangements by throwing his tortoise through the greenhouse window.