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Why are so many animes set in Europe?

Why are so many animes set in Europe?

This is mostly for the sake of convenience since it involves a lot less research than if the location were outside of Japan and it’s an area that writers are familiar with. However, once every so often, fans are surprised with foreign locations in their anime.

What is the difference between Western and Japanese animation?

Due to the limited animation style, Japanese anime can afford to have more detailed character designs while Western animation keeps things simple, often basing their characters around shapes. Fans find anime characters particularly compelling for fan-art and cosplays.

Which is more realistic Japanese anime or American cartoons?

Whereas cartoon characters most of the times have features that are not complimentary to the rest of the body which makes it seem more like a fictional depiction, Japanese Anime shows greater detail in how their characters look and dress and are more realistic due to the fact that all features of their body complement …

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Do Japanese anime characters really look white?

Japanese characters in anime, manga and video games, they say, “look” Caucasian. That is all a matter of perspective, no? In a post titled “Why do the Japanese Draw Themselves as White?”, blogger Julian Abagond argues that the Japanese do not draw themselves as white.

Why is anime in Japan so similar to Disney?

Also, in the early days of anime, smaller Japanese studios were always competing with the large US giants such as Disney. As a result, Japanese animation was greatly influenced by them – Tezuka’s style (along with many other mangaka’s of this era) was quite Disney-like, subconsciously affected by the studio’s large successes.

What is the purpose of the Japanese anime character design?

Generally, it is intended for people to assume the characters are Japanese unless stated otherwise. They only try to distinguish ethnicity in their character designs when the character is not Japanese, and then they tend to draw very stereotypical features.

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What does it mean to be white in Japan?

And physical features like huge round eyes, yellow hair and white skin are inconclusive in Japan for “whiteness”: The eyes are unrealistic. Hair color is not limited to yellow as there is blue, green and purple hair. Small noses are not indicative of “white” or Westerners in Japan — big noses are.