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How do shy people make friends in college?

How do shy people make friends in college?

Here are my top 5 tips for getting to know people in college if you’re introverted or shy.

  1. Connect with classmates online.
  2. Attend course nights out.
  3. Join clubs and societies.
  4. Hang around campus in between lectures.
  5. Be friendly.

How do I make friends if I am shy?

How to Make Friends If You’re Shy

  1. Find common interests.
  2. Get involved in group activities.
  3. Spend time in public places.
  4. Accept invitations to hang out with others.
  5. Be a good listener.
  6. Ask questions.
  7. Compliment people.
  8. Take risks.

How can a shy girl start a friendship?


  1. Take it slow.
  2. Stand up for them!
  3. Instead of attempting the usual small talk, try to find a topic that lights them up.
  4. Make sure you don’t approach them suddenly.
  5. If they are really shy don’t try to become friends with them in just one day – take it slow.
  6. Be yourself rather than trying to be “cool”.
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How do you make friends when you’re socially awkward in college?

How to Make Friends When You’re Socially Awkward

  1. Let yourself feel awkward. Feeling awkward around other people is uncomfortable.
  2. Join a support group for social anxiety.
  3. Say “yes” when invited.
  4. Meet other introverts if you’re introverted.
  5. Be open about being socially awkward.
  6. Join a class or course.
  7. Volunteer.
  8. Go online.

How can I be less shy in college?

Request help with presentation skills. Or simply let them know that you’re shy so that they understand why you may clam up in class. Sometimes the best way to overcome a fear is to throw yourself head-first into whatever scares you. Luckily, college campuses offer a multitude of opportunities to challenge your shyness.

How do I end a shy girl?

  1. 1 Show Interest. It is your job to let the shy girl know that you are interested in getting to know her better.
  2. 2 Alone Time. A shy girl may feel awkward opening up to you in the presence of others.
  3. 3 Online Communication.
  4. 4 Give Space.
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How can I make friends in school easily?

Have a look at some of our ideas to help you start building new friendships at school.

  1. Use Conversation Starters to Get Chatting.
  2. Spend Time with Your Friend’s Friends.
  3. Speak to Someone Who’s on Their Own.
  4. Look for Common Interests.
  5. Be Approachable.
  6. Ask Open Questions.