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Do doctors look up their patients on social media?

Do doctors look up their patients on social media?

The legalities. Legally speaking, there is nothing to prevent a physician from searching for information online about a patient (assuming the use of otherwise legal methods). It does not fall within the definition of “protected health information” (PHI).

Can nurses look up patients on social media?

In terms of social media, that means nurses cannot post patient identifiable information. Even if you don’t outright name a patient or snap a photo, the stories you share on social media can be an infringement on HIPAA without you even realizing it.

Is it illegal to look up patients on Facebook?

Googling your patients does not violate HIPAA. You are acting as an observer of information rather than posting a patient’s information online yourself. Regardless of the fact that doing some online research into your patients’ pasts isn’t technically illegal, it still should not be taken lightly.

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Is it against HIPAA to look up a patient on Facebook?

HIPAA and Social Media The HIPAA Privacy Rule prohibits the disclosure of ePHI on social media networks without the express consent of patients. This includes any text about specific patients as well as images or videos that could result in a patient being identified.

Do doctors Google their patients?

Although it may not be as common as patients Googling doctors, it does happen. Doctors might Google their patients for curiosity’s sake; they might look for clues about lifestyle that might shape a treatment plan; they might also Google a new patient who has raised red flags about being litigious or nasty.

Do doctors see patient surveys?

Hospitals are Required to Survey Patients While some consumers eagerly complete every survey they receive, not everyone is excited by the opportunity to provide feedback.

Can I be friends with my doctor on Facebook?

Patients should consider that doctors are bound by guidance from the General Medical Council which states that you should not mix social and professional relationships and that: “Social media can blur the boundaries between a doctor’s personal and professional life and may change the nature of the relationship between …

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Can nurses keep in contact with patients?

However, as a nurse, you’re obligated to keep your relationships with patients strictly professional. The nurse-patient relationship is a professional one; it shouldn’t be used as a springboard for a personal, romantic, business, or financial involvement. Dating Dan would be legally and ethically improper.

Do doctors ever Google patients?

Can nurses post photos of patients?

Nurses must not share, post or otherwise disseminate any information or images about a patient or information gained in the nurse/patient relationship with anyone unless there is a patient care-related need to disclose the information or other legal obligations to do so.