Tips and tricks

Who all are the members of his family?

Who all are the members of his family?

Members of the immediate family may include spouses, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters. Members of the extended family may include aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, and siblings-in-law.

Is it how is your family or how are your family?

Family refers to the group of a people. It’s a collection. Hence, family comes under collective nouns and collective nouns are generally taken as singular verbs. So the correct choice would be “how is your family?”

Are family members wrong?

Senior Member There’s nothing at all wrong with the term “family members”. But it is used a little differently from “members of the family”, which is more appropriate in the context cited.

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Which is correct family’s or families?

If you are confused about how to pluralize the word “family,” or whether or not you should add an apostrophe, you aren’t alone. The word families is plural, denoting more than one family. The word family’s — with an apostrophe and added “s” — is singular and shows possession.

What do you call family members?

Family Vocabulary

my relatives I usually call
male female her…
uncle aunt Aunt/Auntie [first name]
grandparent Grandmother, Grandma
grand-father grand-mother

What is a family and types of family?

We have stepfamilies; single-parent families; families headed by two unmarried partners, either of the opposite sex or the same sex; households that include one or more family members from a generation; adoptive families; foster families; and families where children are raised by their grandparents or other relatives.

Is a husband and wife a family?

The Census Bureau’s definition of “family” remains traditional: “A family is a group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together.” In 2010, almost everyone — 99.8 percent — agreed that a husband, wife and kids count as a family.

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Why do families dance?

•The dance of each family has developed over time (historically) and has a reason for being the way it is. Some dance moves may actually serve a positive and protective function for family members—and as an observant volunteer, we won’t know which dance moves these are.

How did Romantic composers use rubato to enhance the expression of music?

To intensify the expression of the music, romantic performers made use of rubato, the slight holding back or pressing forward of tempo. Romantic composers rejected the basic forms of the classical period and preferred to develop new forms of their own.

Why did Bach and Vivaldi play different instruments?

When prisoners of war were exchanged, trumpeters, if they had been captured, were treated like military officers. Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, and others chose their orchestral instruments with care and obtained beautiful effects from specific tone colors. They loved to experiment with different combinations of instruments.