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Who has the Soul Stone first?

Who has the Soul Stone first?

The Soul Stone was one of the six Infinity Stones, the remnant of a singularity that predates the universe. For some time, it was kept on the planet Vormir under the watchful eye of Red Skull, before Thanos came to the planet in search of it and had to tragically sacrifice his beloved daughter Gamora to obtain it.

Is Soul Stone Heimdall eyes?

Short followed up his hypothesis that Heimdall has the Soul Stone with some compelling evidence: “In Norse mythology, Odin gives him his sight. Heimdals eyes are orange. In Thor: The Dark World, he is quoted saying he can see all the souls in the nine realms. And in Thor’s vision in Age of Ultron, Heimdal is blind.

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Could the Soul Stone be in Wakanda?

It’s not too much of a stretch for the Soul Stone to be in Wakanda. Firstly, you have to remember that the fictional nation is tied to something profoundly alien. The nation flourishes precisely because it was the site of an ancient meteorite impact, leaving vast reserves of vibranium scattered across the country.

Is the Soul Stone in the ‘Thanos’ trailer?

Thanos’ forces collide with Wakanda’s army in the trailer, suggesting the most technologically advanced nation on Earth has something the supervillain wants. That provides a little further evidence for the theory that Wakanda is, perhaps unknowingly, housing the Soul Stone.

What is the Black Panther’s Soul Stone?

Likewise, the Soul Stone could also be the source of the Heart-Shaped Herbs that give the Black Panther his power — it would follow then that it’s the use of the Herb would then tie a Panther’s soul to the Soul Stone.

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What is the Soul Stone in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

One of the key traits of the Soul Stone is that it, well, captures souls. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it could be the Soul Stone, trapped inside the Vibranium meteor that crashed in Wakanda thousands of years ago, that created that spiritual plane.