
What things put a smile on your face?

What things put a smile on your face?

35 Little Things That Can Instantly Put A Smile On Your Face

  • A playing puppy.
  • A surprise gift.
  • Finding money in the pocket of an old pair of jeans.
  • Maa-ke-haath-ka-khaana after a long day.
  • Your bed after a long, tiring day.
  • Snowflakes falling on your head.
  • A quiet corner where you can read your favourite book.

What is the one thing that always make you smile?

Hearing a bit of good news, getting a thank-you from someone and doing something to make someone else laugh or smile also feature in the list. Eating comfort food, jumping into a bed with freshly washed sheets, finding a ten pound note in an old pair of trousers and seeing a funny video online completed the top ten.

Why should you always have a smile on your face?

Smiling reduces stress that your mind, body or soul feel. Smiling has countless positive effects on us. It stimulates the brain, awakens the positive vibes, makes you come across as friendly, and brings happiness to the surrounding people.

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How can I put smile?

How to Put a Smile on Your Face in Less Than 10 Minutes

  1. Listen to one of your favorite songs.
  2. Think about someone who has had a major positive influence in your life.
  3. Feel gratitude!
  4. Cherish the sun!
  5. Call someone you love and tell them you love them.
  6. Drop any expectations you have in the world.
  7. Chocolate time.

What will put a smile on your face?

13 Things That Will Put A Smile On Your Face 1. Look at old pictures from the good ole days 2. Play with a baby or child 3. Blast your music and dance around. either by yourself or with friends 4. Be artistic 5. Dress up, even if you are just going to walk around the grocery store

How can I make my life better without a smile?

You’re never fully dressed without a smile. Smile, it’s the key that fits the lock on everyone’s hearts. Start every day with a smile and get it over with. If you see a friend without a smile; give him one of yours. Every smile makes you a day younger. I’ve never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.

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What makes you smile when you have a bad day?

Nothing can make you smile more than doing something to make someone else’s day. Buy someone’s drive thru order that is behind you or go help your neighbor with their yardwork. All in all, these 13 things will make you smile no matter how bad your day is going. Always remember that there are better days to come and it is OK to have a bad day.

How can I start my day with a smile?

Start every day with a smile and get it over with. If you see a friend without a smile; give him one of yours. Every smile makes you a day younger. I’ve never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.