Tips and tricks

Can you read poetry on a podcast?

Can you read poetry on a podcast?

Too often, poetry podcasts neglect the vibrant spoken word scene flourishing around the world. It might seem obvious, but the dynamism of spoken word is perfectly suited to the podcast format.

How do you start off poetry?

Begin with the seed of your poetry idea; perhaps it’s something as small as an image or a phrase. Force yourself to jot down as many words, ideas, or images as you can without stopping. Keep writing until you’ve filled the entire page with writing ideas or poetic phrases.

Where can I listen to spoken word poetry?

Every week, you will hear original poetry spoken through performance art and story-telling. Listen weekly on Anchor, Spotify, Apple iTunes and iHeart Radio.

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Is there poetry on Spotify?

As the majority of the music industry turns to Spotify, Apple Music and other streaming apps to drum up popularity, you might be surprised to learn that these platforms also contain a vast collection of poetry. Listening to poetry is an essential part of understanding how to write it.

How do you start a podcast?

Feel free to get out a notebook or a whiteboard so you can start planning your podcast like a pro.

  1. Choose A Topic.
  2. Pick A Co-host (optional)
  3. Choose A Name.
  4. Show Format.
  5. Create Cover Art.
  6. Get A Professional Intro (Optional)
  7. Choose Intro Music.
  8. Get A Microphone.

Is there spoken word on Spotify?

Spotify today is launching a new feature that combines spoken word audio commentary with music tracks. The new format will allow Spotify to reproduce the radio-like experience of listening to a DJ or a music journalist offering their perspective on the music.

How do I start my own podcast?

Plan your podcast, from listener, to problem, to unique solution. Name your podcast – and don’t take long to do it! Plan initial episodes to get a feel for your topic and its longevity. Choose a format which balances quality and sustainability. Choose your equipment and use it to record a show. Produce your show in a sustainable way.

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How do I create a show note for a podcast?

Make a post on your blog/website — the title of the post should be the title of that episode of the podcast, and the content will end up as the “Show notes” or the “Description.”. Put in a little about what you talk about in your episode. At the end of the post, put a link directly to your media file.

What equipment do I need to record a podcast?

The bare minimum you need to record a podcast is a computer with a built in microphone and access to the internet. As a general rule, though, the more limited and lower cost your setup and equipment, the more limited the sound quality of your show will be.

How do I start a podcast with 8 chapters?

How to Start a Podcast in 8 Chapters. Plan your podcast, from listener, to problem, to unique solution. Name your podcast – and don’t take long to do it! Plan initial episodes to get a feel for your topic and its longevity. Choose a format which balances quality and sustainability.