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How is influencer pricing calculated?

How is influencer pricing calculated?

How to calculate fair Instagram influencer rates

  1. Engagement rate per post + extras for type of post (x #of posts) + extra factors = total rate.
  2. The unspoken industry standard is $100 per 10,000 followers + extras for type of post (x # of posts) + additional factors = total rate.

How much should a social media influencer charge?

Another influencer with slightly fewer followers (though in the same range) told Later that they would charge $1,000 per Instagram post, $200 per Story, and $2,000-$5,000 for a 60-second video….Instagram influencer marketing pricing.

Type of Influencers Rate
Macro (500k-1m followers) $5-$10k
Mega (1m+ followers) $10k+

How much should I pay an influencer for a post?

An influencer with 10,000 followers could charge $100 per post. An influencer with 100,000 followers could charge $1000 per post. An influencer with 1,000,000 followers could charge $10,000 per post.

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How is influencer CPM calculated?

So how do you calculate CPM or Cost Per Impression? CPM = money spent / (impressions/1000). Based on our 2020 averages, as a marketer you can expect to pay anywhere from $100-$300 per 1,000 impressions for an influencer campaign in 2022.

How do you calculate cost per post?

Cost Per Inline Post Engagement is the average cost of each inline engagement with an advertisement on social media. It is calculated by dividing the total amount of money spent on ads by the total number of engagements with the ads and is a variation of Cost Per Click (CPC).

How do you price influencers services?

Nano-influencers: $10–$100 per post

  1. Nano-influencers: $10–$100 per post.
  2. Micro-influencers: $100–$500 per post.
  3. Mid-tier influencers: $500–$5,000 per post.
  4. Macro-influencers: $5,000–$10,000 per post.
  5. Mega-influencers: $10,000+ per post.
  6. Celebrities: Varies, but $1+ million isn’t unheard of.

Do influencers charge different rates for different types of posts?

Some influencers might charge the same rate for the same type of posts no matter the channel it will be used on, but it’s much more likely that the rates will vary. After all, each social media platform has a different audience type and creator resources vary, too, from platform to platform.

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How much should you pay Instagram influencers?

Engagement rate per post + extras for type of post (x #of posts) + extra factors = total rate. The unspoken industry standard is $100 per 10,000 followers + extras for type of post (x # of posts) + additional factors = total rate. Of course, your brand goals will be a factor as well in determining which influencer will offer the most value.

How do I determine my influencer rates?

While this shouldn’t be your main sell, it’s definitely an important factor in determining your influencer rates! Your engagement rate is the percentage of followers that engage with your posts. To calculate your engagement rate, divide the average number of likes and comments you get by your follower count, which will give you a percentage.

What is an influencer distribution fee?

Your distribution fee is how much it costs to be featured on your social channels or blog. Just keep in mind this price can vary greatly based on 5 factors: This is simply how many followers you have. While this shouldn’t be your main sell, it’s definitely an important factor in determining your influencer rates!