
Can people who speak Dutch understand Flemish?

Can people who speak Dutch understand Flemish?

In essence, a Dutch speaker will be able to understand a Flemish speaker and respond back, and the same goes for the opposite. Dutch people also often mention that the Flemish dialect sounds softer. This is because the Dutch language makes use of stronger tones.

Are Dutch and Flemish the same language?

Belgium is one of those special countries that have three official languages: Dutch, French and German. So, the terms ‘Flemish’ and ‘Belgian Dutch’ actually refer to the same language.

What is the closest language to Flemish?

Flemish is a West Germanic language most closely related to Dutch and generally regarded as the Belgian variant of Dutch. Flemish is spoken by approximately 5.5 million people in Belgium and by a few thousand people in France. Flemish is spoken by about 55\% of the population of Belgium.

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Do they speak Dutch or Flemish in Belgium?

Dutch is the majority language in northern Belgium, being used in written language by three-fifths of the population of Belgium. It is one of the three national languages of Belgium, together with French and German, and is the only official language of the Flemish Region.

Can Flanders understand Dutch?

It’s a fact that most people in Flanders understandDutch when they speak their language, but almost none of Dutchinitially understand Flemish or rather what they mean. The grammar andthe spelling are identical, but as far as vocabulary is concerned there is a significant difference.

Is Antwerp Flemish or French?

Overview of Antwerp. Antwerp, Flemish Antwerpen, French Anvers, city, Flanders region, Belgium. It is one of the world’s major seaports.

Is Flemish closer to Dutch or German?

In Flanders, the northern part of Belgium, people speak Dutch. Most of the time, this variant of Dutch is called Flemish.

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Is Flemish the same as Afrikaans?

Originally Answered: Is Flemish similar to Afrikaans? Flemish is really similar to Afrikaans, not in terms of grammar and vocabulary and the way it’s spoken. I went to South-Africa for a few months and I could speak Flemish to someone who spoke Afrikaans and we would understand each other perfectly.

What is the difference between Flemish and Dutch language?

For instance, while the Dutch might use loanwords like maréchaussée (military police) from French, überhaupt (after all) from German, or recyclen (recycle) from English, the Flemish will less easily do so. Today, the Flemish still often act as language purists.

What language do they speak in Belgium?

Belgium has three official languages: Dutch, French and German. In Flanders, the northern part of Belgium, people speak Dutch. Most of the time, this variant of Dutch is called Flemish. Is there a difference between Dutch and Flemish? In theory, there is none.

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What is the official language of Flanders?

In theory, there is none. There is no such thing as the Flemish language or dialect, and there is no one overall dialect spoken in Belgium, or the Netherlands. Like German, Dutch is a dialect-continuum. Generic Dutch (Algemeen Nederlands) is the standard language in both the Netherlands and Flanders.

Can Afrikaans be understood by a Dutch speaker?

Afrikaans can be understood by a Dutch speaker, though you have to concentrate more. When Afrikaners speak slowly it is quite easy. There are some strange differences, like the word for kitchen in Dutch is keuken. In Afrikaans it is kombuis.