
What is the difference between the first men and the Andals?

What is the difference between the first men and the Andals?

The First Men are the original human inhabitants of Westeros. They ruled the continent for thousands of years before the Andals invaded from the eastern continent of Essos. The Andals overran most of southern Westeros, but failed to take the North.

Are Valyrians first men?

Other ethnic groups in Westeros include the First Men, the Rhoynar and Valyrians. Each migrated to Westeros one after another. First Men first, Andals second, Rhoynar third and Valyrian last.

Are Valyrians a race?

The Valyrians are an Essosi race and culture. They originate from the Valyrian Peninsula. Members of the race are commonly referred to as the Blood of the Dragon.

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Where did the Andals come from?

According to distant legends, the Andals actually originated in the Axe, a peninsula along the Shivering Sea northeast of Norvos – or at least, that is as far back as their origins can be traced, since human groups migrated across Essos for untold eons before recorded history.

What race are the targaryens?

House Targaryen of Dragonstone is a noble family of Valyrian descent who once ruled the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. The Targaryen sigil is a three-headed dragon breathing flames, red on black. The house words are “Fire and Blood”.

What does a Valyrian look like?

The Valyrians are usually tall, slender and beautiful, with silver-gold hair, lilac eyes and pale skin. The original Valyrians were a peaceful, independent community of shepherds living near the Fourteen Fires, a chain of volcanoes near present-day Valyria.

Are there any noble houses of Valyrian descent?

Known noble houses of direct Valyrian descent House Targaryen, a former house of Dragonlords and Lords of Dragonstone. Formerly the Kings of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lords of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protectors of the Realm. Currently the Kings of Meereen.

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What is the religion of valyrianism?

The Valyrian religion is a polytheistic faith. Their pantheon of deities includes Balerion, Meraxes, Vhagar, and Syrax . The inhabitants of the Valyrian Freehold had immense knowledge of the art of magic. They would enlist wizards into their military, calling them battle-wizards.

Who are The Valyrians in Game of Thrones?

“Wielding these weapons, astride their dragons, the Valyrians conquered the surrounding lands and slowly expanded west.” The Valyrians, also known as the Blood of Old Valyria or Blood of the Dragon, are a people and culture native to the Valyrian Peninsula, on the continent of Essos.