
Why is it important to write an article?

Why is it important to write an article?

One of the most prominent of article writing is to learn and gain knowledge from others experience. Writing articles enable to produce information to potential audience all across the world and is considered important as readers can accurately relate their experience and opinion with content of these articles.

What can an article do?

Basically, an article is an adjective. Like adjectives, articles modify nouns. English has two articles: the and a/an. The is used to refer to specific or particular nouns; a/an is used to modify non-specific or non-particular nouns.

What do you write about in an article?

State the main ideas of the article. Identify the most important details that support the main ideas. Write your summary in your own words; avoid copying phrases and sentences from the article unless they’re direct quotations. Express the underlying meaning of the article, not just the superficial details.

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How do you choose a good article?

Quick Tips for Journal Selection

  1. Make a List of the Journals Available.
  2. Determine the Impact of the Journal.
  3. Make Sure the Journal Scope and Policies match your Needs.
  4. Check the Journal Requirements and Distribution.
  5. Collect Information about the Journal’s Peer Review Process.
  6. Check the “Instructions for Authors” thoroughly.

What makes an article interesting?

In order to make your article interesting, it’s important that it be unique. You should aim to provide your audience with information that they can’t get anywhere else whenever possible.

How do you think of article ideas?

15 Ways to Generate New Article Ideas

  1. Have a niche.
  2. Write an impassioned opinion piece.
  3. Write a self-help column.
  4. Peruse trending topics.
  5. Follow up on a previous story.
  6. Write an explanatory article about a piece of national news.
  7. Write a pop culture roundup.
  8. Seek out personal stories.

How do you select a research article?

How to Select the Right Research Topic in 5 Easy Steps

  1. Brainstorm Some Research Topics. The first and probably the easiest step is to have a brainstorming session to see what topic is best for you.
  2. Select a Topic.
  3. Get Super Specific.
  4. Define Your Topic as a Question.
  5. Research Your Topic More / Create an Outline.
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Writing articles can be important for a number of reasons: To offer information and build a relationship with your newsletter subscribers To give your clients a deeper understanding on a topic To create SEO ranking for your site and pull in more leads To distribute the article via social media and pull in even more leads

What is the main motive behind writing an article?

The main motive behind writing an article is that it should be published in either newspapers or magazines or journals so as to make some difference to the world. It may be the topics of interest of the writer or it may be related to some current issues.

How to write an article in English?

Steps for Article Writing Format 1 While writing an article, always use proper grammar, spelling, and proper punctuations 2 Use vocabulary skill 3 Keep the introduction of the topic catching, interesting, and short 4 Discuss the opinion and the matter in an organized and descriptive manner

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Why do we write about writing?

Writing gives us a surplus of moments to really sympathize with a person, explore a world, and learn from a story in a way that reminds us what really matters in life. We engender a growth mindset through writing—and writing deeply. A writing life is rich with truth and adventures that bring our very beings to life.