Are journalist psychopaths?

Are journalist psychopaths?

According to research from Oxford University, being a journalist or media presenter puts you in the top ten professions most likely to posses the traits of a psychopath. CEOs top the list, while lawyers, surgeons, politicians and police officers also make the cut.

Who do psychopaths attract?

Psychopaths, and people with other dark personality traits like Machiavellianism, sadism, and narcissism, are also attracted to other sorts of people. For instance, narcissists may be attracted to empaths because they see them as a continuous supply of attention.

Why are Empaths attracted to psychopaths?

What attracts the psychopath to the empath is the sweet, kind and full of life and willingness to give qualities of an empath in which none of these traits exist in a psychopath. The psychopath’s way of dealing with their childhood trauma is to suck the life from others because they themselves feel hollow inside.

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Do psychopaths attract psychopaths?

New psychology research suggests that most people do not view psychopathic personality traits as particularly desirable in a romantic partner. But the study also provides evidence that psychopaths are more attracted to other psychopaths.

What types of jobs attract the most psychopaths?

In his book ” The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success ,” he made a list of the types of jobs that attract the most psychopaths. “Functional psychopaths,” as Dutton calls them, “use their detached, unflinching, and charismatic personalities to succeed in mainstream society.”

What are the characteristics of a psychopath?

A typical psychopath will lie, deceive, and exploit others, sometimes acting impulsively with disproportionate rage or irritability. In most situations, those personality traits are big drawbacks. The key word, of course, is “most.” Naturally, psychopaths are drawn to certain professions more than others.

Are psychopaths good at making snap decisions?

They’re very good at making snap decisions, but not so good at the empathetic professions like nursing or therapy. Kevin Dutton, a British psychologist and writer, specialises in the study of psychopathy.

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Can a psychopathic person work as a sales representative?

A psychopathic person who works in sales probably shows traits such as shameless self promotion, stealing other people’s contacts, a relentless desire to earn the most money, and an inability to be a team player. Depending on how your organisation works, this could either be your worst nightmare, or the dream sales candidate.