Can you create new math?

Can you create new math?

So, as you can imagine by now, new mathematics is discovered/created by attempting to solve important problems for which there are currently no solutions. You can also create/invent new math by attempting to create objects that do something you want them to do, or have properties you want them to have.

How do you discover new math?

How can a mathematician handle the pressure to discover something…

  1. maybe, I don’t get new results – It’s true that usually you don’t, but sometimes you do.
  2. You may want to read Emotional Perils of Mathematics (1965).

Is algebra a theory?

Informally in mathematical logic, an algebraic theory is a theory that uses axioms stated entirely in terms of equations between terms with free variables. Saying that a theory is algebraic is a stronger condition than saying it is elementary.

How do you publish a mathematical research?

Advice for amateur mathematicians on writing and publishing…

  1. Develop a track record.
  2. Use standard terminology and language.
  3. Use MathSciNet to search for references.
  4. Write a clear introduction to your paper.
  5. Follow established conventions for mathematical writing.
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How do I make a mathematical model?

Draw a diagram to represent the actual model you plan to make. Make sure to incorporate your data into your diagram to help guide you when you create the actual model. Create your model. Once you have finished the planning phase, you should be able to create your model. Use your diagram, data, and other information to make your mathematical model.

What is the purpose of new mathematics?

This answer is explicitly a personal opinion. My feeling is that new mathematics is created mostly for the purpose of illuminating some previously unseen (or, perhaps, hazily seen) connection between two or more things. The things may be in either mathematics or the natural world (including the human world), or both.

How long does it take to develop a whole field of mathematics?

Usually, a whole area of mathematics, such as calculus, can take hundereds of years to actually develop. Especially if you count the time people have spent on developing methods to solve the type of problems that led up to the actual development of the field in question.

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How do you determine if your model could be improved?

Solve the equation V = h x w x l to determine if your results make sense. Repeat the solution to determine if your results are repeatable. Determine how the model could be improved. In order to make your model useful for further applications, you need to consider how it could be improved. Are there any variables that you should have considered?