Tips and tricks

How do I get a first internship with no experience?

How do I get a first internship with no experience?

Here are several steps for getting an internship with no experience.

  1. Decide what careers interest you.
  2. Choose the type of internship and location you want.
  3. Keep your GPA high.
  4. Consult with your career center.
  5. Check for on-campus opportunities.
  6. Join a university or community group.
  7. Apply early.
  8. Develop skills.

How do I get an internship as a non-student?

Here are some ways to find internships for which an employer may consider a non-student: Contact your alma mater. The college from which you graduated should have a career services office that helps current students, as well as alumni, with career-related issues.

What is an internship and why do you need one?

Most people think of internships as something college kids do to get job experience before they graduate. It is true that they are a great way for students to expose themselves to a career, but internships aren’t just for students. Career changers and returnees to the workforce can benefit from them as well.

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Do internships pay less than minimum when you were in college?

(*) Student internships arranged through your school could pay less than minimum when I was in college (1977 – 1979), all depending on your family financial needs test. I was in a working band at the time and since I declared the income, they counted that against my financial need.

How do I get an internship as an older worker?

If all goes well, you might be able to parlay the internship into an offer at the end of your assignment. To find a place where you might intern, start by checking with your alumni career services office. Universities are often the first place organizations choose to list their internships, and sometimes those employers are open to older workers.