
How do you communicate with high functioning Aspergers?

How do you communicate with high functioning Aspergers?

Tips for Talking to Adults on the Autism Spectrum

  1. Address him or her as you would any other adult, not a child.
  2. Avoid using words or phrases that are too familiar or personal.
  3. Say what you mean.
  4. Take time to listen.
  5. If you ask a question, wait for a response.
  6. Provide meaningful feedback.

What are subtle signs of Aspergers?

Difficulties with changes or upsets in routine. Difficulties picking up on the subtle changes in tone, pitch, and voice that accompany regular conversation. May be unable to understand sarcasm or jokes. Lack of social skills.

How do I get rid of echolalia?


  1. Avoid responding with sentences that will result in echolalia.
  2. Use a carrier phrase softly spoken while modeling the correct response: “You say, (quietly spoken), ‘ want car.
  3. Teach “I don’t know” to sets of questions the child does not know the answers to.
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Why do Aspies make repetitive noises when they are scared?

And when it’s not scary, it has great potential to bring comfort. Aspies making repetitive sounds are often trying to calm themselves down. Making those noises work because the repetition and consistency of it make the world more familiar and gives the aspie a chance to calm down.

Does it matter if an Aspie likes patterns or chaos?

It doesn’t matter, so long as it makes sense to the aspie. Patterns bring clarity to chaos more than just about anything, and if you abstract the other 16 points on this post a bit, they are all funadamentaly about finding patterns and things that are familiar.

What are the disadvantages of Aspies?

AS makes it hard to read social cues. This can lead to social awkwardness and isolation. Communicating nonverbally (e.g., with facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice) can be difficult. On the other hand, some Aspies are quite talented actors.

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Why do Aspies like to live in familiar places?

All of these locations become familiar and are held with great fondness to an aspie. Sometimes when an aspie is put into a new or otherwise uncomfortable situation there will be some amount annoyance or even distress. The inverse is also true! Familiar places are a great source of comfort to an aspie