
Was General MacArthur a genius?

Was General MacArthur a genius?

More crucially, a close study of World War II shows MacArthur to be the most innovative and brilliant commander of that conflict. His was the first approach to modern warfare that emphasized the need for rapid, light and highly mobile amphibious and air forces operating over vast distances.

How do the Japanese view MacArthur?

“Americans regard MacArthur as a conqueror of Japan but the Japanese did not take him that way. He was a liberator. Japanese regarded MacArthur as the highest human being, just below god,” said Rinjiro Sodei, a political scientist who has written several books about MacArthur.

What were General MacArthur’s accomplishments?

From 1945 to 1951, as Allied commander of the Japanese occupation, MacArthur oversaw the successful demobilization of Japan’s military forces as well as the restoration of the economy, the drafting of a new constitution and numerous other reforms.

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What was Douglas MacArthur’s personality?

MacArthur’s personality was complex, an astonishing contradiction in both the Army and in his life—dedicated, innovative, courteous, charming, and brilliant, absolutely fearless. He was also arrogant, eccentric, abrasive, flamboyant, and imperious. He was a killer who also hated killing.

What happened General Wainwright?

He died of a stroke in San Antonio, Texas on September 2, 1953, aged 70. Wainwright was buried in Section 1 of Arlington National Cemetery, next to his wife and near his parents, with a Masonic service and is one of the few people to have had their funeral held in the lower level of the Memorial Amphitheater.

Who was the General President Truman fired?

Truman flatly refused these requests and a very public argument began to develop between the two men. In April 1951, President Truman fired MacArthur and replaced him with Gen. Matthew Ridgeway. On April 11, Truman addressed the nation and explained his actions.

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Can MacArthur speak Japanese?

MacArthur was a foreigner who had almost complete control of the country. He was not there as a tourist, but as the commander of the occupation. MacArthur only spoke to high-ranking Japanese people and never traveled around Japan. of Hawaii Press, 2001), 18.

Why is General MacArthur still so popular?

Still, MacArthur was wildly popular in his day, almost a demigod among a considerable swath of the American public, and he still enjoys a kind of cult following among those who like their generals to strike Napoleonic poses and carry themselves with a certain swagger.

Was Douglas MacArthur a “Dugout Doug”?

In recent years, however, historians have reassessed Douglas MacArthur—not just his command style, but particular decisions he made, and particular episodes from his long and controversial career. In modern evaluations, more often than not, “Dugout Doug” comes up short.

Where did Gen Douglas MacArthur land in WW2?

Gen. Douglas MacArthur on deck of a ship en route to USAF landing site at Lingayen Gulf in World War II return to the Philippine Islands. Sides is the author, most recently, of On Desperate Ground: The Epic Story of Chosin Reservoir, the Greatest Battle of the Korean War, just out in paperback from Anchor-Vintage.

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Was MacArthur a Gloryhound or a genius?

It’s well known that MacArthur was an incorrigible gloryhound, a man infatuated with the vertical pronoun. He was brilliant, yes, but usually the first to admit it. He was incapable of admitting an error or taking responsibility when things went wrong—which they often did during his watch.