
What should I read to understand Plato?

What should I read to understand Plato?

Republic, Plato’s greatest masterpeice. Philebus, another important dialogue; relates well to Republic. Timaeus, a must-read, but somewhat more difficult than the preceding….

  • The Apology (possibly, as a group, with the Crito and Phaedo)
  • The Meno.
  • The Phaedrus.
  • The Gorgias.
  • The Theatetus.
  • The Republic.
  • The Symposium.
  • The Timaeus.

Was Plato more influential than Aristotle?

It has been said that all of Western philosophy is but a footnote to Plato’s philosophy. Insofar as Plato was Aristotle’s teacher, Plato was more influential. You can read more about this topic in the articles in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy online, or any good overview of ancient western philosophy.

What was the relation between Plato and Aristotle?

The main fundamental difference between what Plato and Aristotle thought about the relationship between the Body and Soul is that Plato thought that the Soul was immortal; it was existed before the Body and its here when the Body dies. Plato thought this to be true because of his theory of forms.

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Who invented teleology, Plato or Aristotle?

Teleology, although named by Christian von Wolff in 1728, originated in the western world with Plato and Aristotle . None of the ancient Eastern philosophies seem to have said much about teleology. Plato and Aristotle substantially agreed, like virtually everyone before the modern age, that the purposefulness of nature was self-evident.

Was Plato a realist or idealist?

Plato is in favour of Idealism and hence known as Platonism while Aristotle is in favour of reality and so called as Realism. Platonism is one of the oldest form idealism and is in favour of the idealist to long extent. Normally, it is the contrast comparison of the both the philosophies of Idealism and Realism.